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目的了解引起高校女大学生月经异常的内外环境变化的因素,引起学校和家长的高度重视,给予及时的心理疏导和合理的治疗。方法对124名在校女大学生入学前月经正常,入学后出现月经异常者进行问卷调查。结果大学生异地上学,脱离了原来熟悉的环境,学习、竞争压力增大引起,还有一些女生是由于过度节食,导致原来月经正常者出现月经异常。大学生年龄18~21岁,正处于下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴发育成熟的不完善阶段,这段时期容易因为内外环境的变化而引起神经中枢对卵巢周期的调节机制失去平而发生月经紊乱。结论所以要高度重视女性大学生的生殖健康、出现月经异常要全面检查、明确诊断、早期给予药物治疗,定期门诊的女性健康指导,心理疏导,长期监测和随诊,以避免复发,预防并早期发现远期并发症。从而提高其生活质量。 Objective To understand the factors causing the abnormal menstrual cycle in college and university students, which aroused great attention of schools and parents, and provided timely psychological counseling and reasonable treatment. Methods A total of 124 female college students who had normal menstruation before enrollment and who had abnormal menstruation after enrollment were surveyed. The results of college students go to school, from the original familiar environment, learning, competition caused by increased pressure, and some girls are due to excessive diet, resulting in the original normal menstruation menstruation. College students aged 18 to 21 years, is in the hypothalamic - pituitary - ovarian axis of the development of mature imperfect stage, this period is easily due to internal and external changes in the environment caused by the central nervous system of ovarian cycle regulation mechanism of loss of peace and menstrual disorders occur. Conclusion Therefore, we should attach great importance to female students reproductive health, there should be a comprehensive examination of menstrual abnormalities, a clear diagnosis, early drug treatment, regular outpatient women’s health guidance, psychological counseling, long-term monitoring and follow-up to prevent recurrence, prevention and early detection Long-term complications. Thus improving their quality of life.
美国有种被称为“深夜脱口秀(late night talk show)”的电视节目,这几年一直在互联网上迅猛传播,看官是否想知道它们究竟指的是哪些节目?这些节目分别有什么“招牌莱”?甚至
目的 检验分析孕妇糖代谢的异常,利用口服葡萄糖耐量试验(oral glucose tolerance test,OGTT)来检验其血糖水平.通过该检验分析并探讨口服葡萄糖耐量试验3h血糖的水平,从而确
目的 了解金湖县人群肠道寄生虫病感染现状,评价防治效果,为今后的防治工作提供策略与措施.方法 采用Kato-Katz法(1粪3检),进行肠道寄生虫卵检查,统计人群感染率和单虫感染率
目的 回顾性分析腹腔镜胆囊切除术后可吸收钛夹的超声声像图表现.方法 对连云港市中心医院普外科88例行腹腔镜胆囊切除术病人进行原胆囊区、胆总管及肝内胆管超声检查.结果 6