
来源 :中国地质灾害与防治学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dsb5519
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陈家村黄土滑坡位于甘肃省永靖县黑方台陈家村,滑坡发生于2015年1月29日,由于监测预警及时未造成人员伤亡,但造成输电线路和输水管道严重损坏。滑坡体从后缘启动后在裂隙水作用下液化为碎屑流,前后缘高差118 m,滑动距离约510 m,主滑方向SE,属于冻融和灌溉诱发的黄土滑坡类型,其中滑坡区宽约190 m,长约 The landslide of Chenjiacun loess landslide is located in Chenjiacun, Heifangtai, Yongjing County, Gansu Province. The landslide occurred on January 29, 2015. The monitoring and warning did not result in casualties in time, but caused serious damage to transmission lines and water pipelines. Landslide body liquefied into debris flow under the action of fissure water after the start of trailing edge, with a height difference of 118 m and a sliding distance of about 510 m. The main slip direction SE belongs to the type of loess landslide caused by freeze-thaw and irrigation. Landslide area Width 190 m, approx
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