新生代 马斌

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马斌绵阳市丰谷酒业有限责任公司总经理截止2006年12月31日,丰谷销售收入、成品生产、中高档销量都创造了历史同期最好水平。在销量提升的同时,经销商的利润也较往年大幅提高。 Ma Bin General Manager, Mianyang Fung Valley Wine Co., Ltd. As of December 31, 2006, Fung Valley sales revenue, finished product production and mid-to-high end sales volume all created the best level in history over the same period. In the same time, sales increase, dealer profits also increased significantly over previous years.
Our life is nothing more than our time。TOKill time is therefore a form of suicide[自杀]。We are shocked[震惊]when we think of death,andWe spare no pains,no tro
选择正确的答案填在空格内。Joan:1 can I do for you?Brown:I want to buy a coat 2 myson.Joan:Come 3 me,please.Here areclothes for children.4 do you like theblue o
One day a lady(女士)walked into a hat shop.The shopkeeper smiledand said,“Good afternoon,madam.”“Good afternoon.”the lady answered.“There is a green hat w
浙江省第一测绘院是国家测绘局首批颁布的甲级测绘资格单位,省内规模最大的专业测绘单位之一,2002年通过ISO 9001:2000认证。是一支精益求精,敢打硬仗、技术精湛的测绘队伍,拥
1.[eit]They——apples yesterday.2.[aint]——Wang’S books——in the box.3.[blu:]He had to put on his——coat because the wind——hard.4.[bai]I’m going to——a