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我女儿幼年天资尚好,读小学低年级时,出于入学初对“老师”的好奇和崇拜,不论何时,数学考试总拿满分。后来到了小学高年级,常听她回家谈及算术老师的缺点。当时,我们也常常漫不经心地跟着附和,有时甚至还要议论或牢骚几句。不知怎的,从此女儿的数学成绩就每况愈下,升初中考试时勉强及格,险未被录取。难道心目中老师的形象这么重要吗? 女儿读中学以后,每当她谈及老师时,我们总从积极方面引导她多看老师的长处,虚心学习老师丰富的知识。说来也巧,后来又听她议论一位数学老师的不是。于是,我们就从“金无足赤,人无完人”的角度诱导她评价这位老师,终使她看到了这位老师渊博的数学知识和娴熟的教学艺术。结果,高考时她的数学成绩居然在全校名列前茅。此后,女儿升入外地的一所高校继续学习,为了使她曾几度起落的数学成绩不致再度下落,我们就通过书信,帮助她了解数学老师的优点和长处,使她从 My daughter's talented young children are still good. When I was in the lower primary school, I was curious and adored about “Teacher” at the beginning of my school. Later came to the upper primary school, often go home to talk about her shortcomings arithmetic teacher. At that time, we often followed inadvertently and sometimes even talked or complained a few times. Somehow, since then her daughter's math performance deteriorated, barely pass the junior high exam, insurance was not admitted. Is it so important to me that the image of the teacher is so important? When her daughter is in high school, whenever she talks about the teacher, we always guide her to look at the strengths of the teacher from a positive perspective and humbly learn the teacher's rich knowledge. To coincidence, I did not hear her talk about a math teacher again. Therefore, we induced her to evaluate the teacher from the perspective of “no gold is perfect, no perfect person”, and finally let her see the teacher's profound mathematical knowledge and adept teaching art. As a result, her math performance when the college entrance examination actually among the best in the school. Since then, her daughter went to a higher school in the field to continue her studies. In order to make sure that her math performance, which has been ups and downs of her, did not fall again, we helped her understand the advantages and strengths of the math teacher through letters,
知识窗 水粉画色彩无限丰富,用笔方法也变化多样,表现力极强。但色彩与笔触变化太多,又没有规律,弄不好会让画面乱成一团、无法辨认,更谈不上美观。而我们都想让大家看明白