
来源 :艺术市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myth_liu
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艺术品市场行情受到经济形势及人们对艺术品价格走势信心度的影响。根据雅昌艺术市场监测中心2011年第四季度艺术市场信心度调查结果显示:相对于春拍第二季度的82.93%上涨信心直线下降到56.13%,上涨声虽然仍占主流,大部分人也对艺术品市场还是抱着积极乐观的态度,但是不可否认有部分藏家持谨慎态度。从购买时机来看,部分调查参与者也认为目前并不适合购买艺术品。同时,调查结果还表明,春拍仅有48.78%的人群认为适合购买艺术品。在第四季度,这一比例微降至47.74%。造成这种情况的原因,一方面可能是受全球金融气候的影响,另一方面则是受到高端艺术品价位不断攀升的影响,导致了传统藏家望而却步。现在秋拍还在进行中,具体结果、市场形势如何?一切还是未知。 The market for artwork is affected by the economic situation and people’s confidence in the price trend of artwork. According to the art market confidence survey conducted by the Artemis Center for the Monitoring of Art Market in the fourth quarter of 2011, as compared with the 82.93% rise in confidence in the second quarter of spring, the confidence plummeted to 56.13%. Although the rising tone still prevails, most people also regard art The product market is still holding a positive and optimistic attitude, but it is undeniable that some collectors are cautious. From the timing of the purchase, some survey participants also think that it is not suitable for the purchase of works of art. At the same time, the survey results also show that only 48.78% of the spring auction that people are considered suitable for the purchase of art. In the fourth quarter, this proportion dropped slightly to 47.74%. The reasons for this situation may be influenced by the global financial climate on the one hand, and the rising price of high-end art goods on the other, leading the traditional collectors to stay away from it. Now autumn auction is still underway, the specific results, the market situation? Everything is still unknown.
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Take a rest after one dancing session.Ynagko,a popular rural folk dance,originated in Song Dynasty(Ad 960-1278)as a celebration for rice seedling transplanting