
来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjxtlgj
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  【Abstract】Currently, colleges in China regard English as a compulsory course. It is necessary for both teachers and students to make efforts to develop their skills of English, such as paraphrase abilities during the teaching and learning of English.
  【Key words】teaching method; paraphrase practice; time allocation
  Paraphrase plays an indispensable role in English-Chinese translation, which accounts a great deal in second language learning. In 21st century colleges in China, either English majors or non-English majors are required to have a good command of English.
  Since translation serves as the bridge of cultural communication, outstanding ability of paraphrase, which links to the ability of translation, is regarded as an effective way to improve one’s English skills. However, most college teachers and students in Zhejiang pay quite little attention to this useful approach. We’ve made a questionnaire of 200 college students from different grades and colleges in Zhejiang and picked some typical data from the questionnaire.
  According to our survey, the practice of paraphrase in college English courses can be described as rare. Half of the respondents admitted that there was little chance for them to do such practice in their limited class time. Even English majors claimed that teachers spend less than one hour on paraphrase in the Integrated English Course.
  Our survey demonstrated that only 17% teachers would provide students with exercise about paraphrase. And 58% students said that they would like some other ways to enhance the ability of paraphrasing instead of the current one. Although 93% students said exercise on paraphrase is important, only 5% of them do regular paraphrase exercise after class. It is illustrated that students failed to give due attention to paraphrase.
  Only 43.33% respondents believed paraphrase is necessary in our English lessons. Fortunately, there were still 70% students who recognized the essentiality of improving paraphrasing abilities. But it is still a demanding job to improve the students’ skills. Here we offered two underlying strategies.
  Our research demonstrated that most students admitted that they have little interest in paraphrase because of the dull repetition of the exercise. To raise students’ interest is primary.
  Firstly, teachers should select the exercise according to students’ English proficiency. The aim of the paraphrase exercise for freshmen is to help learners to get familiar with the usage of the word, using antonyms or synonyms to replace words which hinder the reader from understanding the passage. For the sophomore students or junior students, teachers should teach students how to paraphrase complex sentences which require diversified techniques.   Lack of exercise is the stumbling obstacle of the improvement of their paraphrasing skills. Respondents in our survey admitted that they scarcely did any practice related to paraphrase after class. Teachers can offer assignments about translation and paraphrase for students to accomplish in order to ensure their exercise in free time. If they are willing to do such practice of their own accord, they are bound to benefit much more from it. There are several effective steps to paraphrasing we advocate. Read the entire text, noting the key points and main ideas. Then summarize in one’s own words what the single main idea of the essay is. Afterwards, paraphrase important supporting points that come up in the essay. At last, consider any words, phrases, or brief passages that you believe should be quoted directly.
  Paraphrase not only applied for students major in English, but also the students who learned the language and its practical significance are well worth studying. Moreover, the paraphrase exercise should not come along; it should coordinate with other aspects of English learning, for instance, culture, political system and big events. In this way, students could improve the ability in English reading comprehension and communication skills.
  As the current situation in Zhejiang Province is of no optimism, that paraphrase is likely to be ignored in college English courses; measures should be taken to solve the problem. To raise students’ interest and ensure the amount of exercise are the two effective ways to improve students’ abilities of paraphrase and change the current condition.
  *杭州师范大学2015 “星光计划”项目(项目编号:YS01022010003)。
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作为学习语言的重要活动,阅读与写作关系密切。阅读与写作教学不应当是分离的。应当把两者的教学放在有效的、综合的课程里,实现最佳连接。阅读与写作的教学应当贯穿整个教学过程。  一、引言  英语写作是一项极为复杂的综合能力的运用过程,对于许多英语学习者来说很难在短时间内熟练掌握并灵活应用。本文从英语阅读与英语写作的关系入手,阐述了英语阅读与英语写作相结合的教学方式的重要性,希望能为如何英语阅读教学与写作
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【摘要】学生、教师和教材是课堂的三根重要“支柱”,三者缺一不可。因此,高效课堂的建构也必须要从学生、教师和教材这三个方面入手。本文将在借鉴相关理论研究成果的基础上,结合自身教学实际,以教学人教版高中英语必修三《unit 2 Healthy Eating》这一单元为例,紧紧围绕立足学生本位,激发学生学习兴趣、立足教师风格,优化教师教学方式和立足教材实际,注重学习方法指导三个方面简略论述高中英语高效课
【摘要】本文介绍了3种英语教学方法:语法翻译方法、合作交流法和任务型教学法。本文使用独立的定性研究方法深入参访了来自新疆北部阿勒泰地区的5位教师,采访结果反映出目前在这地区的英语教学中存在的几个问题:过时的或不实际的教学材料,大课堂教学,教师深造机会的缺乏,学校对双语和三语教学标准不同所导致的差异,以及以考试为中心的教学方法。  【关键词】英语 教学方法 定性研究  一、文献综述  1.语法翻译方
【摘要】随着社会经济的发展,社会物质文明的进步,伴随而来产生了各种社会问题。在追求升学率的同时,学生的心理问题往往被忽视。学生自杀及伤害他人的事件屡屡发生,这不得不引起社会、学校、家庭各方面的关注。面对血淋淋的现实,作为教师,我们有责任更有义务关注孩子的心理健康,并利用我们的主阵地——课堂,积极引导和教育学生珍惜生命,热爱生命。  【关键词】生命教育 英语课堂 融合  生命教育的提出:随着社会经济