
来源 :中学地理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allans
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2015年10月,浙江省进行了新高考模式下的首次学考选考,试题在学考的基础上增加了两道选考试题。学考采用选择题和非选择题的形式,其中选择题每小题2分,共50分;非选择题每题10分,共20分。选考试题采用传统高考命题模式(非选择的形式),旨在考查学生在区域背景下的地理问题解决能力,每题15分,共30分。在分值上较传统高考有所减少。下题为本次地理选考试题之一(第28题)及参考答案。阅读材料,完成下列问题。(15分)材料一图1为非洲某区域略图。 In October 2015, Zhejiang Province conducted its first entrance examination under the new college entrance examination mode. The examination questions added two entrance examination questions based on the academic examination. The college entrance examination takes the form of multiple choice questions and non-multiple choice questions, in which the multiple choice questions each score 2 points, a total of 50 points; non-choice questions for each question 10 points, a total of 20 points. The elective exams use the traditional college entrance examination proposition (non-choice form) to examine students’ ability to solve geographical problems in a regional context. Each question has 15 points for a total of 30 points. Score in the traditional college entrance examination has decreased. The next question is one of the geography elective exam questions (Question 28) and the reference answer. Read the material and complete the following questions. (15 points) Material Figure 1 is a sketch of a region in Africa.
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