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9月22日,中国农药发展与应用协会植物生长调节剂专业委员会在北京成立。参会代表认为,专业委员会的成立是及时和必要的,应该做好行业统计工作,加强对农民的科普宣传,指导农民科学使用植物生长调节剂。中国农药发展与应用协会常务副会长查显才认为,中国植物生长调节剂的生产和应用已经形成相 September 22, China Pesticide Development and Application Association Plant Growth Regulators Professional Committee was established in Beijing. Participants believed that the establishment of professional committees was timely and necessary. Statistics should be done in the industry to enhance scientific popularization of farmers and to guide farmers in using plant growth regulators in a scientific manner. China Pesticide Development and Application Association executive vice president of check only that the Chinese plant growth regulator production and application has been formed
PURPOSE:To report a case of horizontal diplopia after a four-lid blepharoplasty.DESIGN:Observational and interventional case report.METHODS:Analysis of the hist
新日铁于 2 0 0 1年 3月 6日宣布 ,已开发成功可降低焊接费用的高层大楼底层钢柱用的厚板新品种。新产品名为“建筑钢结构用高热对应、高 HAZ韧性钢”,用于高层大楼底层的钢
AIM: To study the relative bioequivalence of fusidic acid suspension and its contrastive suspension. METHODS: A single oral dose of 750 mg domestic fusidic acid
日本NKK钢管公司已解决了高合金钢管的焊接问题 ,最近开发的 1 3%Cr钢 (NK—W1 3Cr)据说在CO2 腐蚀气氛下具有优良的耐蚀性 ,能满足油井管的耐蚀性需求。NKK说 ,该管材在环形焊缝焊接中需要
中国石油天然气总公司技术监督与安全环保局副局长金志俊同志于1996年7月16~18日在长庆油田检查指导工作金志俊副局长在长庆油田期间.冒着酷 Jin Zhijun, deputy director o
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