
来源 :江西棉花 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alanyu97
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棉花配方施肥有一定的复杂性,针对性和科学性都较强,工作面较广,如何大面积推广棉花配方施肥,将复杂的配方施用技术加以简化,成为广大棉区干群一看就懂,容易掌握的实用技术,我棉办于1991年在这方面作了一些有益的探讨,推广面积占江西省高安县石脑乡全乡棉田的90%以上,取得了经验,获得了增产增收、低成本的好效益,全乡1149.6ha棉花,在用肥成本比上年增加不多的情况下,皮棉总产比1990年增675t,增长90%,单产增536.25 kg/ha,增长76.2%。主要采取了如下作法。 Cotton formula fertilization has some complexity, pertinence and scientific are strong, a wide range of work, how to promote a large area of ​​cotton formula fertilization, the complex formula to simplify the application of technology to become the majority of the cotton area to see a group to understand In 1991, I made some useful discussions on this area. The promotion of the area accounted for more than 90% of the total area of ​​cotton fields in Shimao Township, Ga’an County, Jiangxi Province. I gained experience and gained profits. Low cost good benefits, the township 1149.6ha cotton, the cost of fertilizer increased less than in the previous year, the lint output increased 675t over 1990, an increase of 90%, 536.25 kg / ha increase in yield, an increase of 76.2%. Mainly adopted the following approach.
遗传育种 期小麦野生种质的评价和利用················································……K.5.Gill等1春大麦杂种优势