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邓小平在全国科技工作会议上讲话时阐述国际国内问题希望全国人民都有理想有道德有文化有纪律邓小平在全国科技工作会议上讲话着重指出一靠理想二靠纪律才能团结起来在建设具有中国特色的社会主义社会时,一定要坚持发展物质文明和精神文明,坚持五讲四美三热爱,教育全国人民做到有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律这都是为邓小平同志在科技工作会议讲话的一条新闻作的标题。前一个标题是《光明日报》的,后一个是《人民日报》的。两个标题都没有错,但是哪一个更好一些呢?显然是后一个。有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律,是邓小平同志几 Deng Xiaoping Speaks at Home and at the National Conference on Science and Technology Expound International and Domestic Issues Hope All People Have Ideal, Ethics, Culture and Discipline Deng Xiaoping Speaks at National Scientific and Technical Work Conference, Emphasizing that By Relying on Ideal, Second, By Discipline, Can We Unite to Build a New Century with Chinese Characteristics In socialist society, we must persist in developing material civilization and spiritual civilization, adhere to the five stresses and four beauties, and love and educate the people throughout the country to be ideologically, ethically, culturally and disciplined. These are all pieces of news about Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s speech on science and technology work conference The title. The former title is “Guangming Daily”, the latter is “People’s Daily”. The two headings are not wrong, but which one is better? Obviously the latter. There are ideals, morality, culture, discipline, a few Comrade Deng Xiaoping
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The phase dependence and independence of the response of a trichromatically driven two-level medium to an arbitrarily intense probe field have been studied. The
Brain tumor segmentation aims to separate the different tumor tissues such as active cells, necrotic core,and edema from normal brain tissues of White Matter(WM
This paper obtains the energy-spectrum and eigenstate corrections of two-mode Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) coupled by quantum tunnelling by perturbation met
We propose two schemes for concentrating unknown nonmaximally tripartite GHZ entangled states via cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) techniques. The finial pu