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  On China’s National Day in 1998, William Lindesay led 120 volunteers to pick up garbage along the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall. During the campaign, 15 garbage bins were donated to the group.
  Enthusiastically concerned about the protection of the Great Wall, William Lindesay, from Britain, is the Director General of 1)International Friends of the Great Wall. Since 1998, he has organized many campaigns aiming to protect sections of the Great Wall in the wilderness, just outside Beijing. His efforts and deeds won him the Friendship Prize for Foreign Experts, awarded to him by the State Council of China in 1998. In addition, the Xinhua News Agency has praised him as “the most successful foreigner in exploring the Great Wall.”
  William Lindesay’s bond with the Great Wall started in 1969 when, as an 11-year-old boy, for the first time he discovered the Great Wall on a map. From then on, he dreamed of visiting this wonderful, ancient 2)fortification.
  His dream came true when in 1987 he traveled 2,470 kilometers on foot along a section of the Great Wall constructed during the Ming Dynasty (1368--1644). The journey added an unforgettable memory to his life. Majoring in geography and 3)geology, William Lindesay graduated from the 4)University of Liverpool. As a researcher of geography, he has deepened his understanding of the field through his 5)treks along the Great Wall.
  Snaking along 6,700 kilometers of mountaintops, the Ming Dynasty Great Wall was a complex system of border defenses. It is now regarded as one of the most magnificent man-made wonder of the world. Visitors are typically awestruck, at the sight of the sheer vastness and 6)bulk of it, and contemplate the means and construction materials used to build the wall in such 7)precipitous places.
  William Lindesay, however, sees the Great Wall as “an open-air museum without a 8)curator.” As a geologist, he thinks that the charm of the Great Wall not only comes through in each individual brick and stone, but is also inseparable from its surrounding natural landscapes. In other words, the Wall’s surroundings are just as important as the Wall itself. The Ming Dynasty Great Wall stands out as the most labor-intensive and time-consuming construction project in the history of the world, requiring vast amounts of resources. It is also the largest single cultural relic on Earth.

  Unfortunately, over the years inconsiderate tourists have left behind their mark on the Wall, in the form of litter and graffiti, while local residents use illegal iron or wooden ladders, propping them up against the side of the Wall. Real estate developers, on the other hand, have built 9)villas beside the ancient structure. In William Lindesay’s
  opinion, all of these factors have contributed to damaging the wall. Aware of these threats and their growing severity, Lindesay has committed himself to the protection of the Great Wall, and especially its surroundings. In April 1998, he launched the first Great Wall Cleanup Campaign, which raised public awareness of the Great Wall’s need of protection. Since 1998, he has organized many similar activities. In November 2000, he 10)teamed up with the Beijing Bureau for Cultural Relics, on a jointly submitted application to the US-based 11)World Monuments Fund (WMF), seeking to have the wild sections of the Great Wall in the area near Beijing listed on the Fund’s “2002 List of the World’s Most 100 Endangered Sites.” On October 11, 2001, the WMF published its 2002 list, which included the “Cultural Landscape of the Great Wall, Beijing.”
  During 2001, in Hong Kong, in an attempt to 12)mobilize more people to join the campaign for protection of the Great Wall, Lindesay registered a non-profit organization named International Friends of the Great Wall. Over the past few years, the organization has joined hands with the Beijing Bureau for Cultural Relics and the Beijing Office of 13)UNESCO, working to preserve the primitive, natural, and cultural landscapes along the Great Wall.

  Using domestic and international media channels, they have 14)spearheaded a program to generate awareness of the problems 15)afflicting the wall, and also 16)piloted a 17)stewardship field program. Inclusion of the Great Wall Cultural Landscape in the Beijing Region on WMF’s “2002 List of the 100 Most Endangered Sites” has highlighted the plight of this ancient monument, so that its conservation might find a place on China’s cultural relics protection agenda.
  Partly as a result of these efforts, the Great Wall conservation movement entered into the modern era in the summer of 2003, as the Beijing Municipal Government introduced, for the first time, laws for the 18)generic protection of cultural relics. The laws are aimed at combating the destruction of the wall, 19)albeit only in the Beijing area. 20)Leasing land to developers, in areas 21)adjacent to the wall, will be banned; the general public will no longer be allowed access to some of the more fragile sections; and buildings deemed to be the cause of “visual pollution” will be demolished, for the sake of preserving China’s Great Wall-scape.
  During the years he has lived in China, William Lindesay has spent over 500 days and nights on the Great Wall, leaving his footprints along some 2,500 kilometers of its length. Once a lasting bond between him and the ancient monument had been firmly established, it was only natural for him to take the next step, by deciding to devote himself to protecting the Great Wall, for the remainder of his life.

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安妥明治疗尿崩症,有其优点,现报告1例如下: 病历摘要女,9岁。曾于1973年4月18日入院。入院前2个月开始多尿(屎量4~5升/日),多饮(饮水4~5升/日),口渴,疲乏,消瘦。无颅脑外伤及
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脑病脂肪肝综合征,国外称Reyés综合征。此病国内已有少数报告,我们曾见到一例,简介如下: 病例:李×、男孩、1岁半。住院号内儿科75-882。1975年4月24日17时入院。家人诉:患