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截至2004年上半年,全省在非公有制企业中共建立党组织2200家,其中党委36家,总支97家,支部2067家,占有3名以上正式党员的单位总数的71.2%,占非公有制企业总数的8.8%。在非公有制企业中壮大党的力量和建立党的组织,是党的基层组织建设的重要组成部分,对于加强和改进党的基层组织建设,使党的基层组织真正成为贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的组织者、推动者和实践者,对于保证和促进非公有制经济健康发展,实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,对于不断增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础,提高党的执政能力,巩固党的执政地位,都具有十分重要的意义。———摘自省委常委、组织部长王通智《在全省非公有制企业党建工作座谈会上的讲话》 As of the first half of 2004, the province established 2,200 Party organizations in non-public-owned enterprises, including 36 party committees, 97 total branches, 2,067 branch offices and 71.2% of the total number of units with more than 3 full-time party members, 8.8% of the total. To strengthen the party’s power and establish the party’s organization in the non-public-owned enterprises is an important part of the party’s basic-level organization construction. It is of great importance to strengthen and improve the building of the party’s grass-roots organizations so that the party’s grass-roots organizations truly become the important “three represents” The organizers, promoters and practitioners of the thinking are very important for ensuring the healthy development of the non-public economy and realizing the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. It is of great significance to constantly strengthening the party’s class foundation and expanding the party’s mass foundation, improving the party’s ability to govern, It is of great significance to consolidate the party’s ruling status. --- From the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Minister of Organization Wang Tongzhi “at the provincial non-state-owned enterprises party construction speech”
杭州六和塔是研究中国古建筑,特别是中国式古塔建筑的重要样本。六和塔作为杭州城最重要的宋代遗存,具有一定的研究价值与意义。  本论文从六和塔的历史、构造、装饰、环境等
目的 探讨骨痂延长法同期治疗成人下肢短缩并膝内/外翻的临床疗效.方法 39例成人下肢短缩并膝内/外翻患者应用骨痂延长法同期治疗短缩和膝内/外翻.结果 随访30~48个月,平均36