Mechanical Properties of C_f/Mg Composites Fabricated by Pressure Infiltration Method

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:virtualboxscdl
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The carbon fibers and the woven reinforced magnesium matrix composites were fabricated by pressure infiltration method.Effects of fiber species,fiber arrangement,hybrid particles and environment temperature on microstructures and properties of the composite were studied.Results showed that the mechanical properties at ambient temperature were affected by interfacial reaction.The magnesium matrix composites reinforced with graphite fibers showed higher strength and elastic modulus due to less interfacial reaction.During loading,the fibers were pulled out and the load was transferred through the interfaces,then the fiber bundles were fractured,finally the whole specimen failed.The introduction of hybrid SiC particles during fabrication can improve the mechanical properties of the magnesium matrix composites.Moreover,taking orthogonal carbon fiber woven as reinforcement can modify the anisotropy and reliability of materials. The carbon fibers and the woven reinforced magnesium matrix composites were fabricated by pressure infiltration method. Effects of fiber species, fiber arrangement, hybrid particles and environment temperature on microstructures and properties of the composite were studied. Results showed that the mechanical properties at ambient temperature were affected by interfacial reaction. magnesium matrix composites reinforced with graphite fibers showed higher strength and elastic modulus due to less interfacial reaction. FIGuring loading of the fibers were pulled out and the load was transferred through the interfaces, then the fiber bundles were fractured, finally the whole specimen failed. The introduction of hybrid SiC particles during fabrication can improve the mechanical properties of the magnesium matrix composites. Moreover, taking orthogonal carbon fiber woven as reinforcement can anisotropy and reliability of materials.
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