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机关档案工作是机关的一个组成部分,是提高机关工作高效优质的重要杀件。开发档案的信息资源,做好档案的编研、利用工作,充分发挥档案的作用,编研出融资料性、研究性、条理性、服务性于一体的,有一定内在质量、深度的材料是机关档案室工作的一个重要任务。档案编研就是档案室主动地、系统地、广泛地提供档案利用的一种有效方式,是档案工作向纵深发展的标志。近几年来,我们根据机关利用情况,及时地了解、收集利用者的需求.编写了《中国共产党上海市历次党代会简况》、《中国共产党上海市第五、六届委员会全委会简况》等专题汇编资料,及时、主动地为利用者 Institutional archives work is an integral part of the organ, an important and important element in enhancing the efficiency and quality of the organ’s work. The development of archives of information resources, do a good job archives research, the use of work, give full play to the role of archives, compiled research into information, research, management, service in one, there is a certain intrinsic quality, depth of the material is An important task for agencies and archives work. Archives research is archives initiative to systematically and widely provide an effective way to use files is a sign of the development of the file to the depth. In recent years, according to the utilization of the state organs, we have learned and collected the needs of our users in time and compiled “Briefs of All Previous Party Representatives of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai” and “Briefs of the Fifth and Sixth Committees of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai” Thematic compilation of information, timely and proactive for the user
太阳快落山了 ,夕阳在天边勾画了一幅五彩缤纷的水彩画。我和奶奶踏着这条小路 ,一步步 ,静静地、静静地向前走着。四周静悄悄的 ,没有一点声音 ,仿佛山路与世间隔绝了 ,我和
天气转眼间就凉了 ,瑟瑟秋风刮得落叶四处游荡 ,天空灰蒙蒙的。在路边的一丛野花下 ,我发现了一只可怜的小蜜蜂。它全身发着抖 ,艰难地向前爬着。“多可怜的小蜜蜂啊 !”我将
关于教育教学的目标以及师生在教育教学过程中的地位和相互关系 ,有不少深入人心的言论。比如“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”、“严师出高徒”、“一日为师 ,终生为父”、“不
1996年度省以上国家综合档案馆馆藏档案、资料一览表馆别馆别30241516940234354738570222371162282435539123028233694341059821500341128525777190032479092158371... 1996 annual national archive above the provincial archives, data list Museum do not pavilion 3024151694
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在校园的一个角落里 ,我拾到一枝经过春、夏、秋季的枯叶。叶儿 !我要摘下一片 ,夹在日记里 ,恍如留住了你 ,为我讲述那动人的故事 ;我要摘下一片 ,放在床头 ,以便在梦中捕捉