Improvement on polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution for detecting higher-order polynomial phase sign

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pigyu
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To detect higher order polynomial phase signals (HOPPSs), the smoothed-pseudo polynomial Wigner- Ville distribution (SP-PWVD), an improved version of the polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution (PWVD), is pre- sented using a separable kernel. By adjusting the lengths of the functions in the kernel, the balance between resolution retaining and interference suppressing can be adjusted conveniently. The proposed method with merits of interference terms reduction and noise suppression can provide time frequency representation of better readability and more accurate instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation with higher order SP-PWVD. The performance of the SP-PWVD is verified by computer simulations. To detect higher order polynomial phase signals (HOPPSs), the smoothed-pseudo polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution (SP-PWVD), an improved version of the polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution (PWVD), is pre- sented using a separable kernel. adjusting the lengths of the functions in the kernel, the balance between resolution retaining and interference suppressing can be adjusted conveniently. The proposed method with merits of interference terms reduction and noise suppression can provide time frequency representation of better readability and more accurate instantaneous frequency (IF ) estimation with higher order SP-PWVD. The performance of the SP-PWVD is verified by computer simulations.
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