Dispersion compensation using high-positive dispersive optical fibers

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shewe111
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The common and traditional method for optical dispersion compensation is concatenating the transmitting optical fiber by a compensating optical fiber having a high-negative dispersion coefficient.In this Letter,we take the opposite direction and show how an optical fiber with a high-positive dispersion coefficient is used for dispersion compensation.Our optical dispersion compensating structure is the optical implementation of an iterative algorithm in signal processing.The proposed dispersion compensating system is constructed by cascading a number of compensating sub-systems,and its compensation capability is improved by increasing the number of embedded sub-systems.We also show that the compensation capability is a trade-off between the transmission length and bandwidth.We use the simulation results to validate the performance of the introduced dispersion compensating module.Photonic crystal fibers with high-positive dispersion coefficients can be used for constructing the proposed optical dispersion compensating module. The common and traditional method for optical dispersion compensation is concatenating the transmitting optical fiber by a compensating optical fiber having a high-negative dispersion coefficient. In this letter, we take the opposite direction and show how an an optical fiber with a high-positive dispersion coefficient is used for dispersion compensation. Our optical dispersion of compensating structure is the optical implementation of an iterative algorithm in signal processing. proposed dispersion compensating system is constructed by cascading a number of compensating sub-systems, and its compensation capability is improved by increasing the number of embedded sub-systems. We also show that the compensation capability is a trade-off between the transmission length and bandwidth. We use the simulation results to validate the performance of the introduced dispersion compensating module. Photonic crystal fibers with high-positive dispersion coefficients can be used for constructing the proposed optical dispersion compensating module.
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