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新闻要短、要活,这既是编辑、记者的事,也是广大读者的普遍要求。笔者认为,标题新闻是符合“短”、“新”要求的,应予重视和提倡。《文汇报》3月24日4版上刊登的一则标题新闻,颇使读者感到新鲜,很受读者的欢迎。这则标题新闻的主题内容是:8000多名中青年通过中专自学考试;副题内容是:首批毕业生昨喜领证书。整个新闻不到30个字,便将一件很有新闻价值的事实传播给读者。当今世界,人们惜时如金,不可能花费很多时间读报。因此,报社要多为读者着想,尽量多登短新闻、短文章,使读者用不多的时间,甚至是利用上下班乘公共车辆的时间,便能了解国内外大事,了解党的政策和多种多样的信息。 News should be short and live, which is not only an issue for editors and reporters, but also a general requirement of readers. The author believes that the headline news is in line with “short” and “new” requirements, and should be valued and promoted. A headline news published in Wen Wei Po on March 24, 4th edition, made readers feel fresh and very popular with readers. This topic is the title of the news headlines are: more than 8,000 middle-aged and young students through the secondary school self-examination; vice title is: the first batch of graduates yesterday received the certificate. The entire news less than 30 words, it will be a great news value of the facts to the reader. In today’s world, it is impossible for people to spend time reading newspapers when they cherish their time. Therefore, newspapers should give readers’ attention more, try their best to publish short stories and short essays so that they can understand the major events at home and abroad, and understand more about the party’s policies and more with less time and even taking the time to commute to work in public buses A variety of information.
饭豆(Vigna umbellata)又名爬豆、米豆、竹豆、蔓豆等,属豆科,豇豆属,为粮食、绿肥、饲料等兼用的一年生草本豆类作物。籽粒营养丰富,据中国医学科学院卫生研究所分析,每百
文章从扬旗山水利枢纽建设征地的淹没范围、实物调查、移民安置标准及移民安置区的选择等方面对建设征地移民安置工作作一介绍。 The article introduces the resettlement
前言 花生地膜覆盖栽培的效果在我国虽已肯定,但覆膜的播种适期尚缺乏明确的研究。近年来各地虽然亦作了一些播期试验,而衡量最佳播期的标准均以荚果产量为依据,因而不能真实
根据地层结构及各种岩性的透水性,选取合适的公式估算水库渗漏量,为本次除险加固提供渗漏依据。 According to the stratum structure and the permeability of various lit
文章以五当沟水库为例,提出缓洪蓄清与短期蓄水运用相结合的灵活运用方式,水库进行水量年调节,泥沙多年调节。并对其水库运用方式及水位库容关系曲线进行了预测。 Taking Wu
文章针对内蒙古镫口扬水灌区灌溉工程现状及工程实施过程中存在的环境问题进行评价和分析,并提出了具体的防治对策和解决措施。 This paper evaluates and analyzes the cur
文章对伊图里河镇供水工程取水水源进行计算,并对其开采方案进行分析。 The paper calculates the water intake of the water supply project of Ituri River Town and ana