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交际的特征之一就是人们只能借助于推理来理解对方的话语。关联理论认为推理就是借助认知环境进行心理加工以寻求语境效果的过程,至于推理是否正确,可借助交际双方对于“认知环境”的“互明”来检验。交际过程遵守关联的原则,是在最佳关联原则指导下的明示--推理过程。简单地说,所获得的语境效果与付出的心理加工的努力之间的比值就是关联度的大小。关联获得的难易,决定了交际的成功与否。交际中获得关联能力的强弱,反映了交际者交际能力的强弱。关联理论在许多方面对传统的交际能力功能作了补充和完善,外语教学中可以利用关联理论的相关观点、概念和理论来指导教材教辅的编写、课堂用语的使用等以帮助学习者更好地获得语境效果,构建、改善目的语系统,进而帮助培养他们的交际能力。 One of the characteristics of communication is that people can understand each other’s discourse only by reasoning. Relevance theory suggests that reasoning is the process of using mental environment to carry out psychological processing to seek contextual effect. As for whether inference is correct, we can use the two sides of communication to test “mutual understanding” of “cognitive environment”. The communicative process follows the principle of association and is an explicit-reasoning process guided by the principle of optimal relevance. In short, the ratio between the obtained contextual effect and the effort of psychological processing is the degree of relevance. The difficulty associated with obtaining determines the success of communication. The strength of correlation ability in communication, reflects the communication ability of communicators. Relevance theory complements and improves traditional communicative competence in many aspects. In foreign language teaching, relevant concepts, concepts and theories of relevance theory can be used to guide the preparation of teaching materials and the use of classroom terminology to help learners better. To gain contextual effects, to build and improve the target language system, and to help develop their communicative competence.
随着时代的发展和人民生活水平的提高,儿童学习钢琴已成为一种时尚。本文针对如何指导学生学钢琴,从兴趣、环境、以及具体教学方面谈了自己的看法。 With the development o
The paper is aimed at improving the students’ ability of learning English through the practices in the language laboratory.Nowadays some advanced facilities ha