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中国人民志愿军和朝鲜人民军继续击破范佛里特的所谓“秋季攻势”,取得了輝煌战果。據十月一日到十日十天中不完全的統計,我軍共歼滅敵軍二萬五千四百餘人,其中美國侵略軍計一万七千餘人,英国帮兇軍计二千六百餘人,李僞軍計五千餘人,其餘为法國、希臘等国的幫兇军。至此,美军在西綫的秋季攻勢即遭到了慘败。朝中人民军隊不獨在西线粉碎了敵軍的“秋季攻势”,並且在中线偏东地区,也給了冒险來犯的美军第二十四師、第七師、李僞第二師、第六師、及幫兇軍哥倫比亚、荷兰等部队共四个師以上的敌军以歼灭性的打擊,取得了与西线同样的辉煌战绩。仅在十月十三日至十五日的三天中,我军戰士在二十餘公里的狹窄地段上,殺傷敵軍达一万七千名,平均每天殺伤敌军近六千名。 The Chinese People’s Volunteers Army and the Korean People’s Army continued to break Van Fleet’s so-called “autumn offensive” and achieved brilliant success. According to incomplete statistics from October 1 to October 10, our army wiped out a total of 25,400 enemy troops, of which more than 17,000 were U.S. aggressors, Over six hundred people, Li puppet army more than five thousand people, the rest for France, Greece and other countries accomplices. At this point, the U.S. offensive in the western offensive was a fiasco. The DPRK People’s Army not only smashed the “fall offensive” of the enemy in the western line but also gave the 24th Division, the 7th Division, and the 2nd LiPu Division of the U.S. Army, who took the risk and committed crimes in the midline of the east. Sixth Division, and accomplices Army Colombia, the Netherlands and other units a total of more than four divisions of the enemy to the annihilation of the blow achieved the same brilliant record with the West. Only in the three days between October 13 and 15, our military fighters killed 17,000 enemy troops and destroyed an average of nearly 6,000 enemy troops a day in narrow sections of more than 20 kilometers.
3GPP在Release 5中引入了HSDPA技术,目的是更好支持高速数据业务。本文解析了HSDPA的技术特点,探讨了现有TD-SCDMA直放站应用于HSDPA系统的可能性。
美国纽约指南针日报驻欧洲特派记者史东在十二月二十日该报上报道法国‘黎明报’对台湾局势所持的见解,原文如下: ‘最近一家主要的巴黎报纸,为使它的读者明瞭新中国的态度
软件通信体系结构(Software Communication Architecture)是一种面向对象的通信体系结构,它利用了通用处理器加专用处理器(如FPGA)的方式构建硬件架构,并使用软件框架对硬件进