Using Raman Spectroscopy for Determination Methanol Quantity in Illegal Alcoholic Beverages

来源 :光谱学与光谱分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:QQ81886788
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Illegal production of alcoholic beverages is a common problem in most countries.The consumption of these counterfeit alcoholic products in Turkey has increasingly been one of the major health concerns.In this study,a comparison between GC-MS and Raman spectroscopy techniques was made to determine the amount of methanol in BogmaRaki which is a counterfeit alcoholic beverage produced and consumed in Hatay region.Different ratios of methanol/ethanol concentrations were prepared to obtain a calibration curve.This curve was used to measure the amount of methanol in the actual product samples using both GC-MS and Raman spectroscopy techniques.Results obtained from both techniques were compared using Paired sample t-tests.The Limit of Detection and the Limit of Quantification values were determined as 0.03(%v/v) and 0.11(%v/v),respectively.Both techniques demonstrated a similar sensitivity in the determination of methanol concentration in these counterfeit products(p>0.05).Raman Spectroscopy,however,has an advantage of being easy to use,inexpensive,rapid and non-destructive analytical technique with little or no sample preparation. Illegal production of alcoholic beverages is a common problem in most countries. The consumption of these counterfeit alcoholic products in Turkey has increasingly been one of the major health concerns. In this study, a comparison between GC-MS and Raman spectroscopy techniques was made to determine the amount of methanol in BogmaRaki which is a counterfeit alcoholic beverage produced and consumed in Hatay region. Different ratios of methanol / ethanol concentrations were prepared to obtain a calibration curve. This curve was used to measure the amount of methanol in the actual product samples using Both GC-MS and Raman spectroscopy techniques. Results obtained from both techniques were compared using Paired sample t-tests. Limit of Detection and the Limit of Quantification values ​​were determined as 0.03 (% v / v) and 0.11 (% v / v ). respectively.Both art similar in the determination of methanol concentration in these counterfeit products (p> 0.05) .Raman Spectroscopy, however, has an advantage of being easy to use, inexpensive, rapid and non-destructive analytical technique with little or no sample preparation.
【摘要】在中央实施乡村振兴战略、推行农业供给侧结构性改革的背景下,由上至下都非常重视美丽乡村的打造。村庄规划需要对村庄特点、个性进行充分挖掘和提炼,避免出现同质化、千村一面问题。本文以南京市刘李村村庄规划为例,深入研究了“一村一品”理论下的村庄特色产业塑造的方式和方法。  【关键词】乡村;一村一品;刘李村;产业规划  1、引言  在中央实施乡村振兴战略、推行农业供给侧结构性改革的背景下,南京市美麗
行业组织品牌展览Food Ingredients China 2015展出时间:2015年4月1日3日展出地点:上海国家会展中心详情请登陆展览会网址 www.China FoodA