Implementation of tristate logic based all optical flip-flop with nonlinear material

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The advantages of multivalued logic in optical parallel computation need no introduction. There are lots of proposals, already reported, where tristate, quarternary state logic operations can be performed with optics. Here we report a new approach to implement tristate logic based all optical flip-flop using optical nonlinear material. The concept and the principle of operation of this type of flip-flop are different from that of the conventional binary one. The advantages of multivalued logic in optical parallel computation need no introduction. There are lots of proposals, already reported, where tristate, quarternary state logic operations can be performed with optics. Here we report a new approach to implement tristate logic based all optical flip- flop using optical nonlinear material. The concept and the principle of operation of this type of flip-flop are different from that of the conventional binary one.
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