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西部大开发是一项具有伟大战略意义的事业,是需要统筹兼颐、长期奋斗的工程,必须坚持以下原则:1.打破经济技术梯度推移理论的束缚,敢于跳跃式发展;2.用改革总揽大局,大力加快改革步伐,以改革促开发、促发展;3.坚持两个开放,对区外开放和对国外开放同时并举。不仅要利用国外资源和市场,也要利用东、中部的资源和市场;4.大力发展非公有制经济;5.按照市场经济规律,以市场导向发展西部经济;6.速度与素质并重,以提高素质为主;7.保护环境和资源,实现可持续发展;8.制定科学规划,逐步推进,长期发展。既要只争朝夕,防止消极等待和无所作为,又不能操之过急,不能违背客观规律盲目冒进。西部大开发是国家经济发展的大战略、大思路, The great development of the western region is a project of great strategic significance and a project that needs long-term struggle and co-ordination. We must uphold the following principles: 1. Breaking the shackles of the gradient theory of economic and technological development and daring to leapfrog development; 2. Using the reform as a whole We should speed up the pace of reforms and promote development and development through reforms. 3. We will adhere to the two policies of opening up to the outside world and simultaneously opening up to the outside world. Not only to make use of foreign resources and markets, but also to utilize resources and markets in the east and central regions; 4. to develop the non-public sector of the economy; 5. to develop the western economy in a market-oriented manner according to the laws of the market economy; and 6. to equalize the speed and quality Quality-oriented; 7. To protect the environment and resources to achieve sustainable development; 8. To develop a scientific plan, and gradually promote long-term development. It is necessary to fight for the day and the night, to prevent negative waiting and inaction, and not to rush too quickly. You can not blindly go against the objective laws. The great development of the western region is a grand strategy and a great train of thought for the country’s economic development.
历史从来没有变得像现在这么受追捧,历史书也从来没有像现在这样有趣好读。这些读起来让人上瘾的历史书掀起一波又一波的阅读热潮,这些通俗历史书让人愉悦甚至娱乐。热闹过后,不禁反思,我们从中到底读到了些什么?我们读到的历史是真实的吗?那些从历史中总结出的规律、智慧真正滋养了我们还是让我们变得更加功利和浅薄?    通俗历史类图书热的缘起    历史类图书的通俗化是从华裔美籍历史学家黄仁字的《万历十五年》开
1 引 言 杂环偶氮苯甲酸类试剂是近年来人们研究较多的一类光度试剂,目前已用于镍、钯、铑、钴等金属的测定。但关于这些金属的连续测定报道的较少。本文利用2-(2-噻唑偶氮)