
来源 :食品安全质量检测学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hamkang
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目的探讨腌干处理对秋刀鱼水分状态的影响,为秋刀鱼的高值化加工提供参考。方法秋刀鱼进行“三去”(去头、去尾、去内脏)处理,采用10%食盐溶液(料液比1:2)进行腌制,选取腌制2 h的样品进行40℃热风干燥,检测样品的水分含量、盐含量以及水分活度,利用低场核磁共振技术(low-field nuclear magnetic resonance,LF-NMR)测定腌干过程样品的水分存在状态。结果秋刀鱼样品腌干过程中均存在结合水、不易流动水和自由水3种状态水分。腌制10 h过程中样品的水分活度未低于0.90的细菌生长临界值。结合水比例呈现先增大后减小的变化趋势,自由水比例相对降低,不易流动水比例增大,表明腌制处理使得部分结合水与自由水转化为不易流动水。随干制时间的延长,样品的水分含量和水分活度均显著降低(P<0.05),结合水变化较小,不易流动水比例呈降低趋势,表明干制处理一方面使得秋刀鱼组织内不易流动水流失,另一方面使其部分转移成其他相态的水。同时,核磁共振成像灰度图和伪彩图深色区域面积逐渐增大,表明干制过程伴随油脂的溢出。结论腌制和干制处理降低了秋刀鱼鱼肉的水分活度,同时改变了水分存在状态。核磁共振成像灰度图和伪彩图表明干制处理改变了秋刀鱼样品的油水平衡。 Objective To investigate the effect of salted-dried on the saury status of saury, providing a reference for saury’s high value processing. Methods Saury was treated with 10% salt solution (liquor ratio 1: 2) for 2 hours and marinated at 40 ℃ for 3 h. The samples were dried, the moisture content, salt content and water activity of the sample were measured. The presence of water in the samples was measured by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR). Results Saury samples were salted dry water, water and water are not easy to flow three kinds of state water. The water activity of the samples during the 10 h curing was not lower than the bacterial growth threshold of 0.90. The proportion of bound water increased firstly and then decreased, the proportion of free water decreased and the ratio of immobile water increased, which suggested that some of the bound water and free water could be transformed into immobile water by pickling treatment. With the prolongation of drying time, the moisture content and water activity of the samples were significantly decreased (P <0.05), the change of bound water was small, the ratio of non-flowing water showed a decreasing trend, indicating that the dry processing on the one hand makes the saury is not easy Flow of water loss, on the other hand part of the transfer into other phases of water. At the same time, the area of ​​the dark area of ​​the gray-map and the pseudo-color map of MRI gradually increased, indicating that the drying process is accompanied by the spill of oil. Conclusion Marinated and dried treatments decreased the water activity of saury and changed the state of moisture. MRI grayscale and pseudo-color maps showed that dry processing altered the oil-water balance of saury samples.
利用氯酸盐对串珠镰刀菌菌株进行诱变并获得nit突变体 (硝酸盐利用缺陷突变体 ) ,所获得突变体中 ,以nitA比例最高。采用nit突变体互补型配对技术 ,测定分离自水稻、玉米、棉