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商品是为交换而生产的劳动产品,但是商品又有一般商品和特殊商品之分,技术就是一种很特殊的商品。技术这个特殊商品是商品世界大家族中的后来者,它是随着商品生产的发展,社会分工的扩大以及科技进步,特别是资本主义国家专利制度建立后才逐渐登上商品世界的历史舞台。它开始脱离于物化产品,并独立出来成为一枝独秀的特殊商品。技术商品特殊性主要在于它不仅象一般商品那样能满足人们的某种需要,而是技术这一特殊商品一经使用(生产),就会大幅度提高劳动生产率,节约活劳动,或者降低物资消耗,节约物化劳 Commodities are labor products produced for exchange, but commodities are divided into general commodities and special commodities. Technology is a very special commodity. This special commodity of technology is a latecomer in the commodity world’s big family. It is the history stage of the commodity world after it was established with the development of commodity production, the expansion of social division of labor, and the advancement of science and technology, especially after the establishment of the capitalist country’s patent system. It began to detach itself from materialized products and emerged as a unique and unique commodity. The particularity of technical commodities lies mainly in the fact that it can not only meet people’s needs as much as general commodities, but that, once used, the special commodity of technology will greatly increase labor productivity, save labor, or reduce material consumption. Materialization
A short walk in space,but a great leap forward for a nation. The national space program is expected to aid China economically by helping to create technological
Paul Gauguin(1848-1903)was a leading post-impressionist1 painter.His bold experimentation with coloring led directly to the synthetist2 style of modern art whil
寝室、教室和饭堂每天三点一线运动。清晨,我正与周公大战,该死的起床铃就响了。我翻了个身,想go on,却又不得不爬起来,迷迷糊糊地端起漱口杯……从寝室楼下来,我使劲地把眼
一、语篇教学不能流于形式笔者在教学《牛津小学英语》5A“At a Music lesson”Part A时,先对新单词、词组、句型进行了教学,然后进入课文的学习。处理语篇时,先让学生带着问
英语中由eat构成的习语还真是不少。有的与吃密切相关,而有些已不具字面意思,与“吃”毫无关系。本文对部分相关习语作一介绍。1.eat like a horse意思是吃得很多,饭量大。例
Pa never had much compassion2 for the lazy or those who squandered their means3 and then never had enough for the necessities. But for those who were genuinely