Numerical estimate of multi-species ion sound speed of Langmuir probe interpretations in the edge pl

来源 :等离子体科学和技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:temp_dl
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The recently modified EMC3-EIRENE code package has been widely applied as an edge-plasma analysis tool and resulted in successful validation against various measured trends seen in stellarator and tokamak plasma boundaries.It has been shown that the code package applied for Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) discharges in the interpretive mode can assess the impact of impurity effects on the electron density,measured by a set of Langmuir probes.In particular the spatial quantification of impurities and effects from the effective charge state Zeff and effective mass meff,which are non-trivial to record by diagnostics,were examined.The results showed that earlier assumptions of the effective charge-state distribution and effective mass for reported Langmuir probe measurements must be revised.Subsequently,reprocessing these measurements with code-interpreted spatial profiles of the effective charge state and effective mass led to an overall improved physical consistency.
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