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根据省人大常委会2010年度工作安排,常委会将于9月份听取和审议省政府关于我省农村安全饮水工作情况的报告。为了协助常委会做好审议工作,按照监督法及我省实施办法的规定,省人大农村委员会于今年6月,在省人大常委会副主任罗辉、委员会主任委员袁良宽的带领下,分两组赴荆州、鄂州两市进行了专题调研。调研组深入基层,进村入户,实地察看农村安全饮水工程建设、运行及农户用水情况,与水厂经营者座谈,征询村民的意见,并听取了当地人大、政府及水利、发改、卫生、财政、物价、土地、地税、建设等有关部门和单位的情况汇报以及意见和建议。现将调研情况报告如下: According to the work schedule of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress for 2010, the Standing Committee will listen to and consider the report of the provincial government on the safety of rural drinking water in our province in September. In order to assist the Standing Committee in its deliberations, in accordance with the Law on Supervision and the implementation of the provisions of our province, the Provincial People’s Congress, in June this year, under the leadership of Luo Hui, the deputy director of the Provincial People’s Congress and Yuan Liangkuan, chairman of the committee, Went to Jingzhou, Ezhou two cities conducted a special survey. The research team went deep into the grassroots and entered the village to make in-depth surveys on the construction and operation of rural safe drinking water projects and on the water consumption of farmers. They consulted with the operators of waterworks and sought the opinions of villagers and listened to opinions of local people’s congresses, governments, water conservancy, , Financial, price, land, land tax, construction and other relevant departments and units of the situation report and comments and suggestions. The research report is as follows:
目的探讨预防老年患者医院内跌倒的有效措施,提高老年患者住院护理安全。方法对75例老年患者发生医院内跌倒的时间、地点、原因、后果进行分析。结果 81~89岁患者是跌倒的高