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目前全国很多高校校园都处于相对开放的状态,没有院墙、围栏或部分区域院墙、围栏缺失;即使院墙、围栏相对完备的高校,也无法有效的控制外来人员与车辆进出,埋下了诸如入校盗窃、流氓案件、交通事故等诸多隐患;尤其是案件、事故发生后,无法控制逃逸的发生,给破案取证增加了诸多困难。本文以吉林农业大学为例,对高校电子围栏建的必要性、可行性、项目建设内容、预期效益等进行分析,旨在为高校技防建设工作提供借鉴。 At present, many colleges and universities in China are in a relatively open state. There are no walls, fences or walls in some areas and lack of fences. Even colleges and universities with relatively complete walls and fences can not effectively control the movement of outsiders and vehicles, Such as school theft, hooligan cases, traffic accidents and many other hidden dangers; especially in cases and accidents, the escape can not be controlled, to the prosecution has increased a lot of difficulties. Taking Jilin Agricultural University as an example, this paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the construction of electronic fence in colleges and universities, the content of the project construction and the expected benefits. It aims at providing reference for the construction of technical and defense work in colleges and universities.
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公开号 CN1036001A申请人王宝圣发明名称一种砌筑用特种水泥及其制造方法本发明公开了一种砌筑用特种水泥及其制造方法。采用燃烧过的工业废渣,配以石膏、石灰,经粉碎球磨再
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本文通过对我国农村房屋结构形式的变迁过程及技术支持的介绍,总结出农村房屋结构形式变迁与农村经济发展的必然联系,继而得出农村经济发展给农民生活带来的具大影响。 This
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一天傍晚,我正开着台灯做作业,一只褐色的飞蛾从窗外飞进了屋里。平时就喜欢安静的我,在写作业时当然更不希望有什么东西来影响我。我气得立刻展开了“抓捕飞蛾大行动”。 O