
来源 :广告人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intaaab
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2006年12月12日,《广告人》杂志记者在北京梅地亚新闻中心对中央电视台经济频道《商务时间》节目制片人张晓阳先生及其广告独家代理公司——银德大道广告公司总经理曲江先生进行了长达两个小时的访谈,倾听了关于《商务时间》的战略思想、受众定位、节目策划、广告营销及未来规划的全面介绍和深度诠释。从基本的了解到深度的理解,从一般的认同到由衷的赞同,很快,我们就对《商务时间》产生了极大的兴趣和无限的期待,毕竟它是中国唯一一档以中产阶层为基础传播群体,以商业白领为主要目标受众的实用性商战节目,它的传播影响,它的营销价值都注定会引发媒介的关注和市场的青睐。 December 12, 2006, “Advertisers” magazine reporter at the Beijing Media Center News Center on the CCTV Economic Channel “Business Hours” producer Zhang Xiaoyang and its advertising sole agent - Yinde Avenue advertising company general manager Qujiang conducted a two-hour interview and listened to the comprehensive introduction and in-depth explanation of “business time” strategic thinking, audience positioning, program planning, advertising marketing and future planning. From the basic understanding of the depth of understanding, from the general approval to sincerely agree, and soon, we have “business time” had a great interest and infinite expectations, after all, it is the only one in China to the middle class As the basis for the dissemination of groups to commercial white-collar workers as the main target audience of practical commercial programs, its spread of the impact of its marketing value are destined to lead to media attention and the market’s favor.
标题是报道的广告。好的标题会伸出手来抓住读者。如果标题是明快、言之有物、清楚和准确的,读者就会被勾住,他们会立刻去读,而这就是标题的全部目的。 The title is the ad