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目前,在中国沿海地区有13个称为保税区的特殊政策区.这13个经济性特区的英文译名传给外国人的信息是一种自由贸易区.保税区是具有中国特色的自由贸易区.按正常的思维逻辑,自由贸易区如果比作马的话,中国的保税区是红马、白马.但具体考察13个保税区的现存结构以及由此决定的实际功能、海关制度、基本政策,根本不象自由贸易区的任何一种类型,非驴,非马,亦非骡.保税区管理机构和进区企业处于一种求生不得、欲死不甘的两难境况.这种局面已经持续两年之久,极大地损害了中国改革开放的国际形象和国家信誉,严重挫伤了为创建保税区日夜苦干的管委会工作人员的积极性,损害了投资者、地方经济和国民经济的整体利益.我们必须痛下决心,采取果断措施,打破僵局.而要打破僵局,理论必须彻底,不能搞实用主义、短期行为,政策取向必须明确,实事求是地为现有保税区正名,定位,定功能,以不图虚名但求实效的精神,按现实可能性作变位、变性手术,使之各得其所. At present, there are 13 special policy zones in the coastal areas of China called the Bonded Zone. The 13 English-language special economic zones have their names translated into foreign countries as free trade zones. The bonded zones are free trade zones with Chinese characteristics. The normal logic of thinking is that if free trade zones are compared to horses, China’s bonded zones are red horses and white horses. However, the actual inspection of the existing structures of the 13 bonded zones and the actual functions, customs systems, and basic policies thus decided are not at all like freedom. Any type of trade zone, not a donkey, non-marathon, or non-embarrassment. Bonded area management agencies and enterprises entering the zone are in a dilemma of unwillingness and dying. This situation has lasted for two years. Damage to China’s international image of reform and opening up and the credibility of the country have severely dampened the enthusiasm of the staff of the management committee who have worked hard day and night to create a bonded area, and have damaged the overall interests of investors, local economies, and the national economy. We must make a determined effort. Take decisive measures to break the stalemate. To break the deadlock, theory must be thorough, pragmatism and short-term behavior must not be pursued, and policy orientation must be clear and realistic. Bonded existing name the positioning, function, but not to seek fame FIG spirit effectiveness, according to the real possibility for the displacement, denaturing procedures, so their place.
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浙江省邮电机械厂创建于1975年,是浙江省邮政局直属全民企业,地市级文明单位,是国内最早生产全自动捆扎机的主导企业 Zhejiang Posts and Telecommunications Machinery Fac