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姜迎久,1967年生于辽宁,满族,1989年毕业于鲁迅美术学院,现为吉林省美术家协会会员、美术家协会理事、油画家。作品《淡淡的晨雾》、《长白春雪》等入选全国性美展。《窗外》、《山里娃》等作品入选美展并获奖,部分作品被国内外企业及专业机构收藏,多幅作品在美国、德国及东南亚地区展出。部分作品被收入大型画册《丽人图》及其他美术书刊。在画坛上获得了较好的声誉。艺术传略被编入多种典册。姜迎久先生创作的油画作品大多为唯美、古典的女性形象,他能准确地捕捉到女性内心的情感与精神世界的微妙变化,把女性柔美、纯净、含蓄的气质表现得生动传神,把瞬间的美变成永恒的艺术。这幅《佛心》画面色彩柔和,人物容貌秀美、典雅。画家用敏锐的观察力,把人物安安静静不问世事一心向佛的内心世界表达得淋漓尽致。作品笔调厚重、质朴而不艳俗,服饰华贵而不失素雅端庄,衬托出大家闺秀内敛、沉稳的高贵气质。画中人物如真实般站在我们的面前,纤细指端的佛珠表达出人物对佛的祈盼与虔诚,对美好世界的希冀与向往,也似乎是作者内心深处的真实情感。(禹默) Jiang Yingjiu was born in 1967 in Liaoning and Manchu. He graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 1989 and is now a member of Jilin Artists Association, a member of Artists Association and an oil painter. Works “faint morning fog”, “Changbai Chunxue” and other selected national art exhibition. Selected works such as “Out the Window” and “Shan Li Wa” were selected for the exhibition and received awards. Some of the works were collected by domestic and foreign enterprises and professional organizations. Many of their works were exhibited in the United States, Germany and Southeast Asia. Some works are included in the large album “Beauty map” and other art books. Get a good reputation in the art scene. Art strategy is incorporated into a variety of books. Most of his paintings are aesthetic and classical images of women. He can accurately capture the subtle changes in the feelings of women and the spiritual world, vividly express the feminine, pure and subtle temperament, Become an eternal art. This “Buddha Heart” picture soft colors, beautiful appearance, elegant. Painter with keen observation, the character quietly do not ask all things to the Buddha’s innermost feelings expressed most vividly. Work heavy, simple and not vulgar color, elegant yet elegant costumes dignified, bring out ladylike introverted, steady elegance. As the characters in the paintings stand before us as they are, the delicately-denominated beads show the people’s hope and piety toward the Buddha and the hope and yearning for a better world. They also seem to be the true feelings of the author’s innermost feelings. (Yu Mo)
从中国走出去的联想集团成为这届冬奥会的硬件产品及相关服务的供应商后,产品顺利通过了多次严酷的测试,联想的工程师也有10多人被任命为奥委会技术部的官员。 After going
为研制人源抗发热伴血小板减少综合征布尼亚病毒(Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus,SFTSV)Gn蛋白重组抗体,本研究利用噬菌体表面展示技术,以SFTSV全病毒颗
在我收藏的各类纪念章中,有一枚侵华日军发行的“卢沟桥事变”纪念章,它是日本侵略中国的铁证,是日本任何教科书所不能篡改的。  “卢沟桥事变”纪念章为银质,八办樱花形,其中一花办带纽。直径30毫米,厚15毫米,重11.7克。章正面中心为一龟托碑,碑石文“卢沟晓月”四个篆字清晰可见。碑的右侧,为当时宛平县城楼,碑的左侧为卢沟桥,桥边有一放射大爆炸,形容当时战争的激烈程度,远处为一平顶山,山峰有尖顶形纪念
目的 研究小儿头部CT呈肉芽肿样改变的常见病因。方法 通过临床症状、体征、结合头部CT、血常规、结核菌素试验、X线胸片、脑脊液常规生化检查及血和脑脊液间接凝集试验等