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一些人可能在“小资白领”地高谈阔论;一些人可能被冷落在浮华的城市背后,好似被抛弃的碎片……碎片一:城市美容师尽管是酷热的夏天,她还穿 Some people may be eloquent in the “petty white-collar workers”; some may be left behind in the flashy city, as if they were abandoned fragments... Fragment 1: The urban beautician, despite being a hot summer, she still wears it.
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The U.S.needs more doctors.There are not enough doctors to serve people living in poor areas.New immigration laws are making the problem worse.Fewer foreign doc
食堂里的阿姨们,我总结下来,就是既冷漠又温情,既是恶魔又是天使。高一新生不打诳语,且听我慢慢道来。一日,拿完饭之后我忘记带筷 The aunts in the dining hall, when I su
Any day will do?哪一天都可以? Any messages for me?有我的留言吗? Are you by yourself?你是一个人来的吗? All right with you?你没有问题吧? Are you free tomorrow?明
从前,有个叫淳于髡的人经过邻居家,看见邻家的烟囱是直的,旁边还存放着一堆干燥的柴火。他觉得这有可能引起火灾,便好心劝诫:“你家的烟囱要 Once upon a time, a man named
I didn’t know much about American people and their views when they encounter a thing before I went to America this summer vacation. An unbelievable thing happe