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加强客户营销是优化我行信贷资金配置的迫切需要。当前棉花收购主体多元化,市场竞争异常激烈,对棉花收购资金需求非常旺盛,迫切需要我们在市场调查的基础上,对客户进行细分,针对不同的目标客户采取差别化营销方案,切实摸准客户的需求,提供针对性的产品和服务。通过对客户的全程跟踪监管和服务,对客户的资信状况、经营管理、风险承受能力和发展前景有一个全面的、动态的了解,从而有利于更好地防范和化解信贷风险,做优资产质量,做大资产总量,提高经营效益,提升农发行竞争能力。 Strengthening customer marketing is an urgent need to optimize the allocation of credit funds in our bank. At present, the main body of the cotton acquisition is diversified and the market competition is extremely fierce. The demand for funds for cotton acquisition is very strong. It urgently needs us to segment the customers on the basis of market surveys, and adopt differentiated marketing programs for different target clients to effectively understand Customer needs, providing targeted products and services. Through the tracking and supervision of clients throughout the service, we have a comprehensive and dynamic understanding of customers’ credit status, operation and management, risk tolerance and development prospects so as to better prevent and mitigate credit risks and optimize the quality of assets , Increase the total assets, improve operating efficiency and enhance the competitiveness of ADBC.
Underdevelopment or absent of pectoralis major,breast,nipple areolar are the main manifestation of Porlands syndrome.The majority of plastic surgeon solve this
Objective To investigate the clinical effect of penile augmentation with superficial fascia retrocession.Methods Reserving the inner plate 0.5-0.8cm to determin
  To analyze relationship of Asian augmentation rhinoplasty with agechange and set up a guideline how to give patient a harmonic mature change in East
Objective:To explore the clinical application of modified circumcision with penile augmentation for capistration or redundant prepuce.Methods:Excising skin only
Objective In order to improve the aesthetic results of restoration of bony deformities in maxillofacial region.To introduce the technique about restoration of b
OBJECTIVE:During the early process of ear reconstruction in cases of microtia patients,we used the remnant to repair some structures of the ear in the first sta
李碧华,香港文坛大名鼎鼎的才女。她才高八斗,行踪神秘,从不在大庭广众前抛头露面,坚持出书不公开照片、不安排签名售书,为此主动放弃了香港畅销书作家排行榜,被誉为港岛最神秘的女作家。在30多年的写作生活里,有百部作品问世,其中《胭脂扣》《霸王别姬》《纠缠》《秦俑》《诱僧》《青蛇》等被改编成影视剧,不仅捧红了张国荣、梅艳芳等明星,还摘取过戛纳大奖。    专栏比拼,结识博学夫君    李碧华出生于广东省
Background:This study was undertaken to improved surgical management of bilateral complete deft lip.To realizete the need of preoperative manipulation of the pr