成功的探索 有效的途径——银川唐徕回民中学积极办好业余党校

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银川唐徕回民中学是自治区首批示范性重点高中之一,有教职工 209人,其中党员教职工94名,现有教学班55个,在校学生3700余名,其中回族学生约占三分之一。学校1992年建立中学业余党校,至今已经成功地举办了14期培训班,有3200多名学生参加了班级党章学习小组学习,近千名学生参加了业余党校学习,500余人向党组织递交了入党申请书,50名学生被学校党组织列为重点培养考察对象,34 名学生被发展为预备党员。业余党校已经成为银川唐徕回民中学开展大德育的一个成功尝试,成为青年学生学习党的基本理论,了解党、认识党的主要课堂,业余党校切实加强了学校党建的基础性工作,提高了学校党组织的凝聚力和号召力,丰富了学校德育工作的内容,有效地提高了学校德育工作的实效性。学校卓有成效地开展德育工作,受到了上级有关部门的多次表彰奖励,被国务院评为“全国民族团结先进单位”,被中宣部等五部委评为“全国未成年人保护工作先进集体”,被自治区评为“文明单位”。 Yinchuan Tanglai Hui Middle School is one of the first demonstration high schools in the autonomous region with 209 faculty members including 94 party members and staffs, 55 existing teaching classes and more than 3,700 students, of whom about one-third one. The school established the middle school amateur school in 1992 and has successfully held 14 training courses so far. More than 3,200 students have taken part in the study of the class party constitution. Nearly 1,000 students have attended an amateur school and over 500 have submitted to the party. Application, 50 students by the school party organization as the focus to train the study object, 34 students were developed as reserve members. Amateur school has become Yinchuan Tang Lai Hui Middle School to carry out moral education as a successful attempt to become young students to learn the basic theory of the party to understand the party and recognize the party’s main classroom amateur party schools to strengthen the party’s basic work of the school and improve the school The cohesion and appeal of party organizations have enriched the content of moral education in schools and effectively improved the effectiveness of moral education in schools. The school has carried out moral education with great success and received numerous recognition and rewards from relevant departments at the higher level. It was awarded as “Advanced Unit of National Unity of Nationalities” by the State Council and “Advanced Collective for National Protection of Minors” by the five ministries including the Central Propaganda Department. By the autonomous region as “civilized unit.”
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