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北宋哲学家张载在《理窟·义理》一文中曾经说到:“其记诵者,学问之舟车也。”指出了背诵对于学习的重要性。从某种意义上讲,语文正是因为有了背诵的存在才更充实。小学生如果能按照要求背诵教材中的课文,达到语言积累的必须数量,则会自然学会阅读、写作及生活应用。但问题是在当前的语文实践过程中,背诵环节是最使学生反感的,学生兴趣不浓、抵触情绪强,使背诵效果往往差强人意。如何改变这种局面,让学生在背诵中体味到小学语文的精彩,这 Zhang Zai, a philosopher in the Northern Song Dynasty, once said in his article entitled “Reasoning and Justice” that “the reciter and the learned car also point out the importance of recitation for learning.” In a sense, it is only because of the existence of recitation that language is more fulfilling. If pupils can recite the texts in the textbooks as required to achieve the necessary amount of language accumulation, they will naturally learn to read, write and live. However, the problem is that in the process of practicing Chinese, it is most disgusting to recite the students’ points of view. Students are not very interested and are strongly opposed to each other, so that the recitation effect is often unsatisfactory. How to change this situation, so that students appreciate the wonderful primary language in recitation, this
本文讨论了任意逻辑函数化为阈函数的基于谱技术的设计方法 ,并在此基础上提出了一种新方法 This paper discusses the spectral-based design method of arbitrary logic f
采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、电子探针及 X射线衍射观察分析了塔里木盆地中新生界储层砂岩自生矿物及其在岩石中的产状 .形成于同生成岩期的自生矿物有海绿石 ,赤铁矿~褐铁矿和
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