In vitro regeneration of Populus tomentosa from petioles

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wtrgo
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A reliable in vitro regeneration procedure for Populus tomentosa is a prerequisite for its trait improvement through genetic transformation. We established a systematic protocol for indirect regeneration of P. tomentosa using in vitro petioles of Chinese poplar cultivar ‘fasta-3’. A high frequency of callus induction([97 %) was obtained from isolated petioles cultured on the modified 1/2MS basal medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L ZT and 1.0 mg/L NAA, and the tested calli were subsequently plated on1/2MS basal medium supplemented with 0.25 mg/L BA,0.25 mg/L ZT, 0.25 mg/L NAA, 0.01 mg/L TDZ, and0.5 mg/L KT for efficient regeneration of shoots after being cultured for 6 weeks. The regenerated shoots were vigorously rooted on the tested media supplemented with 1.0 mg/L IBA and 0.5 mg/L NAA. These results can facilitate genetic transformation of P. tomentosa for trait improvements in future. A reliable in vitro regeneration procedure for Populus tomentosa is a prerequisite for its trait improvement through genetic transformation. We established a systematic protocol for indirect regeneration of P. tomentosa using in vitro petioles of Chinese poplar cultivar ’fasta-3’. A high frequency of Callus induction ([97%) was obtained from isolated petioles cultured on the modified 1 / 2MS basal medium supplemented with 0.5 mg / L ZT and 1.0 mg / L NAA, and the tested calli was subsequently plated on 1/2 MS basal medium supplemented with 0.25 0.25 mg / L NAA, 0.01 mg / L TDZ, and 0.5 mg / L KT for efficient regeneration of shoots after being for 6 weeks. The regenerated shoots were vigorously rooted on the These results can facilitate genetic transformation of P. tomentosa for trait improvements in future.
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