
来源 :铁道物资科学管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:EricQLiu
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近年来,随着铁路跨越式发展战略的提出和实施,铁路这条国民经济发展的大动脉开始备受全社会的关注。铁路管理体制和投融资体制改革的深入开展,一个个铁路客运专线和复线建设项目的开工,铁路电气化和信息化改造的迅速推进,铁路技术装备现代化水平的不断提升,铁路一次次的调图提速,地方铁路的快速发展,城市地铁及轻轨的大规模兴建等等,铁路从来没有这样引起过人们的关注,这样与人们的生活息息相关。作为为铁路建设与运营提供物资与安全保障的铁路物资系统,在保障物资的及时供应和运输安全的同时,更重要的是顺应建设节约型社会的潮流,为铁路的低成本跨越做出了重大的贡献,有力地推动着我国铁路事业的快速发展。在新年来临之际,我们推出“特别策划”专栏,专门对中铁物资总公司及铁路局物资系统2005年的物资采购供应工作总结和2006年工作思路进行介绍,以期更有效地为全行业提供学习、交流的平台,同时也从一个侧面展示铁路物资系统的新形象。 In recent years, with the formulation and implementation of the railway’s leapfrog development strategy, the railway has become the main artery of national economic development and has drawn the attention of the whole society. The reform of railway management system and investment and financing system carried out in depth. The construction of railway passenger dedicated lines and double-track railway projects, the rapid progress of railway electrification and information transformation, the continuous improvement of railway technology and equipment modernization, the speed-up of railways The rapid development of local railways, the large-scale construction of urban subways and light railways, and so on. Railways have never been so concerned by people in this way that they are closely linked with people’s lives. As a railroad material system that provides materials and safety for railway construction and operation, it is even more important to comply with the trend of building a conservation-oriented society and make a significant contribution to the low-cost railway crossing while ensuring the timely supply of goods and transport safety. The contribution has effectively promoted the rapid development of China’s railway industry. On the occasion of the New Year approaching, we launched the “Special Planning” column, which is devoted to summarizing the supply and supply of materials and supplies of China Railway Materials Corporation and the railway bureau material system in 2005 and the working ideas for 2006, with a view to more effectively providing the entire industry Provide a platform for learning and exchange, and at the same time, display a new image of the railway material system from a single perspective.
近年来部分梨树因施肥距主干太近 ,根系肥害等常引发根朽病 ,造成梨树死亡。应采取有效措施 ,抓好根朽病的防治。1 根朽病的症状根朽病属于担子菌亚门真菌引起的病害。其主
对哌替啶戒断综合征误诊为急性心肌梗死1例分析如下.rn1 病历摘要rn女,57岁.因胸闷、气短伴心前区疼痛、大汗淋漓和烦躁不安由亲属陪伴来院.查体:T 36.5℃,P 90次/min,R 24次