Broadband impedance calculations and single bunch instabilities estimations of of the HLS-Ⅱ storage

来源 :Chinese Physics C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xwy_pk
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The upgrade project of the Hefei Light Source storage ring is under way.In this paper,the broadband impedances of resistive wall and coated ceramic vacuum chamber are calculated using the analytic formula,and the wake fields and impedances of other designed vacuum chambers are simulated by CST code,and then a broadband impedance model is obtained.Using the theoretical formula,longitudinal and transverse single bunch instabilities axe discussed.With the carefully-designed vacuum chamber,we find that the thresholds of the beam instabilities are higher than the beam current goal. The upgrade project of the Hefei Light Source storage ring is under way. This paper, the broadband impedances of resistive wall and coated ceramic vacuum chambers are calculated using the analytic formula, and the wake fields and impedances of other designed vacuum chambers are simulated by CST code, and then a broadband impedance model is obtained. Using the theoretical formula, longitudinal and transverse single bunch instabilities axevealed.With the carefully-designed vacuum chamber, we find that the thresholds of the beam instabilities are higher than the beam current goal .
[摘 要] 新的社会形势下,高校与家庭通力合作,共同教育学生发展成长,这在社会、学校以及家庭三者间已经达成共识,育人效果明显。主要分析高校、家庭合作育人机制构建的可行性以及重要性,明确家校合作原则,定位两者在合作过程中的角色,创新合作模式,优化合作事宜等。  [关 键 词] 高校;家校;合作;机制;  [中图分类号] G641 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2018)19-
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