
来源 :医疗卫生装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjfayy
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YAG激光器经使用一段时间后,谐振腔的各光学部件因受尘埃、杂质的污染,以及氪灯的老化,都会造成功率下降,影响手术治疗。因此,须定期清洁并更换老化的谐振腔各光学部件、器件,复装后各光学部件的安装位置重新进行调整。以下介绍光学系统凋整方法及注意要点。1 谐振腔调整谐振腔由YAG晶体、氪灯、聚光腔体、全反射膜片及半反射膜片组成,调整方法:(1)将聚光腔体、YAG晶体及氪灯复位,启燃机内作同光路用的He—Ne激光器,调整He—Ne激光束,使之透过YAG晶体两端面的中心轴线。(2)装上全反射膜片,微调该膜片的位置,使全反射膜片最亮的一个反射点,在截光屏上与He—Ne原激光束的点相重合。截光屏可用一张白纸片代替,纸面的位置需与He—Ne激光 After a YAG laser is used for a period of time, the optical components of the resonator are contaminated by dust and impurities, and the aging of the Xenon lamp will cause the power to drop and affect the surgical treatment. Therefore, the optical parts and components of the aging resonator must be regularly cleaned and replaced, and the mounting positions of the optical components after reassembly should be adjusted again. The following describes the method of optical system withering and points for attention. 1 Resonant cavity adjustment The resonator consists of a YAG crystal, a xenon lamp, a condenser cavity, a total reflection diaphragm, and a semi-reflective film. Adjustment methods: (1) Reset the condenser cavity, YAG crystal, and xenon lamp to light the flame. The He-Ne laser used in the optical path is used in the machine, and the He-Ne laser beam is adjusted so as to pass through the central axis of both end surfaces of the YAG crystal. (2) Mount the total reflection diaphragm and fine-tune the position of the diaphragm so that the brightest reflection point of the total reflection diaphragm coincides with the point of the original He-Ne laser beam at the screen. The screen can be replaced by a piece of white paper. The position of the paper surface needs to be He-Ne laser
现代医学,就其规模来说,已发展成为一个极为复杂的知识体系。急救中心已是当今国际上出现的一种先进、有效的急诊医疗服务结构,即急诊医疗体系(Emergency medical ser-vice
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中国是世界上最先懂得计时的国家。商朝后期,中国就出现了把一昼夜分为100等分的百刻计时制,而且历朝历代沿用不衰,一直到清末才废止。因为出现了百刻计时制,因此中国古代便拥有了统一的计时标准。有了计时标准,那古人都发明了哪些计时器呢?  日晷,本义是指太阳的影子,后来则指古代利用日影测得时刻的一种计时仪器,又称“日规”。其原理就是利用太阳的投影方向来测定并划分时刻,日晷通常由晷针和晷面组成。利用日晷计
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作家出版社2010年9月出版本书立足于当代文艺研究,从纵向和横向上拓展了研究对象的本质,阐释了文艺的人文精神、时代精神、历史精神、科学精神、民族精神和美学精神。 Autho