Resistivity response to the porosity and permeability of low rank coal

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunshixi2009
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Laojunmiao coal samples from the eastern Junggar basin were studied to understand the relationship between coal resistivity and the physical parameters of coal reservoirs under high temperatures and pressures.Specifically,we analysed the relationship of coal resistivity to porosity and permeability via heating and pressurization experiments.The results indicated that coal resistivity decreases exponentially with increasing pressure.Increasing the temperature decreases the resistivity.The sensitivity of coal resistivity to the confining pressure is worse when the temperature is higher.The resistivity of dry coal samples was linearly related to φ~m.Increasing the temperature decreased the cementation exponent(m).Increasing the confining pressure exponentially decreases the porosity.Decreasing the pressure increases the resistivity and porosity for a constant temperature.Increasing the temperature yields a quadratic relationship between the resistivity and permeability for a constant confining pressure.Based on the Archie formula,we obtained the coupling relationship between coal resistivity and permeability for Laojunmiao coal samples at different temperatures and confining pressures. Laojunmiao coal samples from the eastern Junggar basin were studied to understand the relationship between coal resistivity and the physical parameters of coal reservoirs under high temperatures and pressures. Specifically, we analyzed the relationship of coal resistivity to porosity and permeability via heating and pressurization experiments. results indicated that coal resistivity reduces exponentially with increasing pressure. creasing the temperature decreases the resistivity. sensitivity the coal resistivity to the confining pressure is worse when the temperature is higher. resistivity of dry coal samples was linearly related to φ ~ m. increcreasing the temperature decreased the cementation exponent (m). Increasing the conflation pressure exponentially decreases the porosity. Increasing the pressure increases the resistivity and porosity for a constant temperature. Increasing the temperature results a quadratic relationship between the resistivity and permeability for a constant con fining pressure.Based on the Archie formula, we obtained the coupling relationship between coal resistivity and permeability for Laojunmiao coal samples at different temperatures and confining pressures.
With concealment and hysteresis,water-inrush from Karst collapse column has become an important security hazard of lower group coal mining in North China.Based
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丙泊酚复合芬太尼已广泛应用于无痛人工流产术、无痛肠、胃镜检查等,效果显著[1-4]。但有关依托咪酯脂肪乳剂应用报道较少,笔者旨在比较依托咪酯脂肪乳剂与丙泊酚复合芬太尼用于无痛人工流产术的麻醉效果,现报告如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料选取2010年2月至2011年2月在江山市中医院自愿要求终止妊娠的早孕妇女200例,其中年龄17~38岁,体质量40~75 kg,妊娠6~12周。入选标准:年龄<40