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据报道,当前二化螟在江南南部陆续进入卵孵盛期,江南北部陆续羽化。根据各地调查的二化螟冬后基数、灯下诱蛾量、抗药性监测结果及未来天气趋势等综合预判,一代二化螟在江南稻区呈大发生态势。各地需高度重视,加强监测,及时发布病虫情报,及早落实防控措施,严防一代二化螟暴发成灾。一、田间基数高据各地调查,江南稻区二化螟冬后田间基数明显偏高。其中,江西每亩虫量平均为12056头,是去年同期的2.65倍,万安县、永修县、九江县、南昌县、 According to reports, the current two rice stem borers in southern southern one after another into the incubation period of eggs hatch, the northern part of Jiangnan one after another emergence. According to the comprehensive forecast of the post-pollination baseline, light-induced moths, drug resistance monitoring results and future weather trends of the tested stem borers in each area, the development of the second generation rice stem borer showed a great trend in the southern rice area. All localities should attach great importance to monitoring and promptly release information on pests and diseases and implement prevention and control measures as soon as possible so as to prevent the outbreak of the next generation of rice stem borers. First, the high base of the field According to surveys around the region, the rice stem borer in the southern region of the field after the winter was significantly higher base. Among them, the average amount of pests per mu in Jiangxi was 12,056, 2.65 times that of the same period of last year. Wan'an County, Yongxiu County, Jiujiang County, Nanchang County,
二十刚过,对一个男孩子来说,是小孩,也是男人。他们的笑容童心未泯,他们的内心坚毅勇敢!始源,基范,男人·小孩。 Twenty just passed away, to a boy, a child and a man. T
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