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名牌逼境 名牌是国宝。大部分人是通过名牌了解一个国家的经济实力的。看今日的世界市场,很多实力雄厚、名扬天下的企业,都有一部与闯名牌共同发展的公司历史和文化。也许可以这样说:名牌越多,市场越广;名牌越响,实力越强。因此,中国经济在下一个世纪取得什么样的地位,在相当程度上取决于中国能出现多少在国际市场具有强大竞争力的名牌产品和名牌企业。 什么是名牌?名牌的实质是什么?名牌,它不仅指的是有名的商标,而且是一项宏伟的事业。因为,从经济领域来说,名牌是一种知识产权;从社会来说,名牌是一种文化;从国家来看,名牌又是一个社会系统工程。 Brand-name branding is national treasure. Most people understand the economic strength of a country through brand names. Looking at today’s world market, many companies with strong strengths and fame have a history and culture of the company that have developed together with famous brands. Perhaps it can be said that the more brand names, the broader the market; the louder the name brand, the stronger the strength. Therefore, what kind of position China’s economy will attain in the next century will depend to a large extent on how many brand-name products and brand-name companies in China that have strong competitiveness in the international market. What is a brand name? What is the essence of a brand name? Brand name, it refers not only to a well-known trademark, but also to a magnificent career. Because, from the economic field, brand name is an intellectual property; from the social point of view, brand name is a culture; from the national point of view, brand name is a social system project.
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将来有一天,我在弥留之际回想起这一辈子,会有一些感激的话涌在喉头。  我首先会感谢那些猪——作为一个中国的南方人,我這一辈子吃猪肉太多了,为了保证自己身体所需要的脂肪和蛋白质,我享受了人们对猪群的屠杀,忍看它们悬挂在肉类加工厂里或者碎裂在菜市场的摊档上。我还得深深地感谢那些牛——在农业机械化实现以前,它们一直承受着人类粮食生产中最沉重的一份辛劳,在泥水里累得四肢颤抖,口吐白沫,目光凄凉,但仍在鞭影
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吃喝里是有刀和棒的,鸿门宴众所周知。  当年楚成王之子商臣指使潘崇逼宫弑父,成王对潘崇说:让位可以,留我一命吧?潘崇说:一国岂能容二君!成王知道熊掌难熟,想争取点时间等待救兵,于是又祈求道:我已令厨师给我烹制熊掌,能等我吃了再死吗?潘崇识破了他的心事,取下自束脖颈,命兵士将成王勒死,商臣即位,史称楚穆王。这是吃喝背后的尔虞我诈、刀棒相加。  食物的外形上,我觉得豇豆也可称为棒,四季豆可称为刀,柳叶
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