Evaluation of mouse bioassay results in an inter-laboratory comparison for paralytic shellfish poiso

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a8586023
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An inter-laboratory comparison of the AOAC mouse bioassay for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxicity in shellfish was carried out among 25 Chinese laboratories to examine the overall performance for PSP testing in China, and to analyze the main factors affecting the performance of this method. The toxic scallop Patinopecten yessoensis collected from coast of Bohai Sea, China, was used as a test sample in the comparison study. The results were reported and evaluated using robust statistical methods. The z scores showed that 80%, 8%, and 12% of laboratories reported satisfactory results, unsatisfactory results, and questionable results, respectively. This evaluation demonstrates that the PSP mouse bioassay is an appropriate method for screening and testing PSP toxicity in shellfish. However, it was found that the experience and skill of technicians, as well as the body weight and health status of mice being used significantly affected the accuracy of the method. An inter-laboratory comparison of the AOAC mouse bioassay for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxicity in shellfish was carried out among 25 Chinese laboratories to examine the overall performance for PSP testing in China, and to analyze the main factors affecting the performance of this method The toxic scallop Patinopecten yessoensis collected from coast of Bohai Sea, China, was used as a test sample in the comparison study. The results were reported and evaluated using robust statistical methods. The z scores showed that 80%, 8%, and 12 % of laboratories reported satisfactory results, unsatisfactory results, and questionable results, respectively. This evaluation demonstrates that the PSP mouse bioassay is an appropriate method for screening and testing PSP toxicity in shellfish. However, it was found that the experience and skill of technicians, as well as the body weight and health status of mice being used significant affected the accuracy of the method.
高中《物理》(试验修订本·必修加选修 )第二册第十八章第三节中 ,有一个电感对交变电流有阻碍作用图 1的演示实验 .该实验电路如图 1所示 ,把电感线圈 L 和白炽灯泡串联在电
一.物理基本概念类模型题 例1 在物理学中,可以用一条带箭头的直线来表示光的传播路径和方向,这条想像的线叫做光线,在下列几个物理学研究的实例中,与引入“光线”这一物理
师 :(语气平和 ,如同对话 )这几天为这节教学探索课我着实苦恼了一番 ,想来想去不知讲什么好 ,这就叫“巧妇难为———无米之炊 (学生齐声应和 ,情绪饱满 )”。可现在我站在
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情感体验是人对客观事物是否符合自身的需要 ,满足自身的要求而产生的态度体验。它始终伴随在人的认识过程中。由于政治课教学内容具有抽象性、理论性强的特点 ,因此在政治课
<正> 直观地显示简谐运动的图像有利于高中学生理解简谐运动的位移随时间变化的规律.新高中物理教材(试验修订本)中,是利用如图1所示的装置,在弹簧振子的小球下安装一支记录