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“残雪暗随冰滴去,新春偷向柳梢归”。浓浓的年味伴着爆竹声声刚刚消散,三月的微风已迎来春天这个崭新而美好的季节。春天的希望,此时此刻,正在神州大地万众瞩目的“两会时间”播撒。世界关注中国,关注中国两会。一段时期以来,“中国经济拖累世界经济”的言论被少数西方媒体炒作。然而,越来越多的事实表明,中国经济正以新的姿态展现在世界面前。2015年,世界经济深度调整、世界贸易低 “Can Xue secretly dripping with ice, the spring steal the willow return ”. Strong flavor accompanied by firecrackers just disappeared, the breeze in March has ushered in the spring this new and beautiful season. Hope of spring, at this very moment, is being broadcast in the vast territory of China, “two sessions of time”. The world pays attention to China and focuses on China’s two sessions. Over a period of time, “the Chinese economy has dragged down the world economy,” the remarks were speculation by a handful of Western media. However, more and more facts show that the Chinese economy is showing in the new world before the world. In 2015, the depth of the world economy was adjusted and world trade was low
目的 :研究甲状旁腺机能低下的CT诊断.方法 :对 14例甲状旁腺功能低下患者行头部CT平扫检查.评价头部CT的诊断价值.结果 :14例中均有典型的颅内表现.结论 :CT能准确显示甲状
目的 :评价洛赛克和德诺三联疗法对治疗幽门螺旋杆菌感染的疗效.方法 :64例幽门螺旋杆菌感染患者随机分为两组 ,分别给予洛赛克 ( 2 0mg ,每日二次 )和德诺 ( 2 4 0mg ,每日