
来源 :江苏中医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caiwenta
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一月廿五日人民日报发表了認真貫彻党的中医政策的社論后,廿六日中央卫生部又向各省市自治区卫生厅局发出学习人民日报社論的通知,通知指出:“……这是指导卫生工作的一个极为重要的文件,請立即織組党內党外全体医藥卫生人員認真学习討論,以便統一思想,提高对党的中医政策的認識……”。从这里充分說明了社论的重大意义。这一文件的学习,它关系到医藥卫生部門以及每个中西医藥人員如何正确对待和認真贯彻党的中医政策的問題。如社論开头就指出“党的中医政策是党在我国卫生工作方面的一項重要的方針政策。由于卫生行政領导过去在一个时期内没有認真执行这个政策,卫生工作曾经一度受到很大的損失。卫生行政領导部門的这个錯誤受到批判和纠正之后;近二、三年来,中医工作有了发展,并且取得了一定的成績”。因此說学习这一社論是一件大事,不得以等閑視之。本人基于以上認識,积极地投入了这次学习,通过学习,使我衷心感到社論的精神是具有普遍真理的,态度是公正的,要求是适时的,观点是偉大的。社論首先指出:“在我国卫生队伍中,存 After the People’s Daily published an editorial on conscientiously implementing the party’s policy on traditional Chinese medicine on January 25, the Central Ministry of Health issued a circular on the study of People’s Daily editorial to the provincial health bureau of each province, autonomous region and municipality on the 26th. The circular states: “... This is To guide an extremely important document on health work, immediately organize all the medical and health personnel within and outside the Party and the community to conscientiously study and discuss so as to unify our thinking and raise our awareness of the party’s Chinese medicine policy ... ”. From here fully illustrates the editorial significance. The study of this document concerns the question of how the medical and health departments and each Chinese and western medicine staff should correctly handle and conscientiously implement the party’s Chinese medicine policy. As the editorial pointed out at the beginning, “the party’s traditional Chinese medicine policy is an important principle and policy of the party in our country’s health work. Since the health administrative leadership did not seriously implement this policy in a certain period in the past, the health work once suffered a great loss After this mistake of the health administrative leading department was criticized and corrected, the work of Chinese medicine has developed and has achieved some achievements in the past two or three years. It is therefore a major event to say that learning this editorial is not to be taken lightly. Based on the above understanding, I have actively engaged in this study. Through my studies, I sincerely feel that the spirit of the editorial is universal truth, that the attitude is fair, that the demand is timely and that the viewpoint is great. The editorial first pointed out: ”In China’s health team, save
当我读谢觉哉同志的《散文选》时,仿佛亲眼看到一位高龄的无产阶级革命老战士,严峻然而慈爱地站在我们面前,娓娓动人地在给我们讲革命道理,教育我们年青一代。 1957年的春天
一伟大动人的前奏曲 1957年8月11日在东京体育馆为迎接第三届禁止原子弹、氢弹和争取裁军世界大会而举行的前夕晚会,是誰也忘记不了的伟大动人的场面。日本音乐家们、舞蹈家