
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的针对医院消毒供应室工作人员手卫生状况进行调查,并采取干预措施,以提高供应室工作人员手卫生依从性,降低医院内部感染的发生。方法自制调查表,查找消毒供应室工作人员手卫生依从性差的原因,进而制定相应的干预措施。并对干预前后手卫生依从性情况进行对比分析。结果通过调查发现消毒供应室工作人员手卫生依从性差的原因,主要包括认识不足、知识缺乏、设备不足、工作繁忙、从众心理、缺乏监管等方面。采取干预措施前后,消毒供应室工作人员手卫生执行水平分别为38.21%和90.66%。结论针对影响消毒供应室工作人员手卫生依从性差的原因,制定切实可行的干预措施,可显著提高消毒供应室工作人员手卫生的依从性,有效预防医院内部感染的发生。 Objective To investigate the hand hygiene status of staff in hospital disinfection supply room and take intervention measures to improve hand hygiene compliance of staff in supply room and reduce the occurrence of internal infection in hospitals. Methods Self-made questionnaires to find the reasons for the poor compliance of hand hygiene staff in the disinfection supply room, and then to develop the appropriate interventions. The hand hygiene compliance was compared before and after the intervention. Results The survey found that the reasons for the poor compliance of hand hygiene staff in the disinfection supply room mainly included lack of knowledge, lack of knowledge, lack of equipment, busy work, lack of supervision, lack of supervision and so on. Before and after the interventions were taken, disinfection supply room staff hand hygiene implementation levels were 38.21% and 90.66%. Conclusion In view of the reasons of poor hand hygiene compliance of staff in disinfection supply room, making feasible interventions can significantly improve hand hygiene compliance of staff in disinfection supply room and effectively prevent the occurrence of internal infection in hospitals.
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本刊讯 2019年3月6日至9日,湖南省无委办、湖南省无线电监测站在浏阳市永安镇开展了为期3天的无线电安全保障联合技术演练.湖南省工信厅党组副书记、副厅长李志坚出席演练开