Antiviral optical techniques as a possible novel approach to COVID-19 treatment

来源 :JournalofInnovativeOpticalHealthSciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guohiahong9999
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The current pandemic SARS-CoV-2 (also known as 2019-nCoV and COVID-19) viral infection is growing globally and has created a disastrous situation all over the world. One of the biggest challenges is that no drugs are available to treat this life-threatening disease. As no drugs are available for definitive treatment of this disease and the mortality rate is very high, there is an utmost need to cure the infection using novel technologies. This study will point out some new antimicrobial technologies that have great potentials for eradicating and preventing emerging infections. They can be considered as treatments of choice for viral infections in the future.
The time and amplitude characteristics of the transient power overshoot caused by channels adding up are studied both experimentally and numerically in the backward-pumped Raman amplified wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system. The results show tha
Semiconductor heterostructures based on layered two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) interfaced to gallium nitride (GaN) are excellent material systems to realize broadband light absorbers and emitters due to their close proximity in th
对大气臭氧探测激光雷达出现硬件故障时的回波特征进行了分析。根据回波形态和雷达强度等,采用基于模糊逻辑的质量控制方法,对雷达硬件故障数据进行了识别检验,识别率高达93%,即能较好地实现对硬件故障数据的质量控制。比较了硬件故障时的数据和被误判的正常数据在300~500 m高度上对应的臭氧浓度和信噪比均值,找出统计特性,降低了对正常数据的误判率。
以三聚氰胺甲醛预聚体(MFP)与红磷粉末为原料, 过硫酸钾(KPS)为催化剂, 采用原位聚合法成功制备出具有高热稳定性的微胶囊红磷(MRP)。 通过DSC, SEM, FTIR及XPS等分析手段研究了红磷微胶囊化效果。 结果表明, KPS的加入有助于提高MFP的反应活性, 使三聚氰胺甲醛树脂有效地包覆在红磷颗粒表面, 缩短了反应时间, 且此时制备的MRP包覆效果最佳, 其氧化反应峰温为480 ℃, 较红磷原料要高出很多, 可使用范围变宽。 采用熔融挤出法制备了多组不同配方的聚丙烯(PP)复合材料。 研究发
在10K→300K温度范围内测量了YGG:Cr3 的激光诱导荧光光谱,测出了有关荧光谱线的分裂量。并导出了4T2与2T1到2E的能级间距随温度的变化关系式。
We demonstrate a linearly-polarized, ytterbium-doped fiber laser that uses an uncoated, undoped ceramic YAG plate as the output coupler, and the corresponding polarization extinction ratio of laser beam increases with incident pump power and then saturate
以聚酰胺(PA)和不锈钢(1Cr18Ni9Ti)搭接接头为研究对象,计算了焊接过程中界面处的热过程,并分析了其对塑料热分解行为影响,获得了优化的焊接热输入;然后通过试验验证,获得了稳定连接的PA-1Cr18Ni9Ti接头,并对PA-1Cr18Ni9Ti界面的连接机制进行研究。结果表明:焊接过程中聚酰胺的热分解与时间、升温速率有关;当激光焊接热输入为77.8 J·mm -1(激光功率700 W,焊接速度9 mm·s -1,离焦量70 mm)时,可保证PA-1Cr18Ni9Ti界面处的聚酰胺在充分熔化、铺展的
即使射入光电阴极的光通量不变,光电管的输出仍不是固定的,而是随时间作不规则的变化。这种光电发射的不连续和不规则变化的特性通常认为是由“散粒效应噪声”引起的。输出完全平均功率谱由两部分组成:(1)在零频率的δ函数,相当于直流分量,通常认为是“信号”,(2)连续不变的交流部分,其频率在零到几个截止频率间,截止频率取决于光电探测电路的RC (电阻-电容)特性。我们指出,对于足够低的通量,功率谱的交流部分较直流部分强,因此,总的散粒效应噪声功率随光通量作线性变化。
Considering the thermodynamical fluid mechanics in the gain medium and laser kinetic processes, a three-dimensional theoretical model of an exciplex-pumped Cs vapor laser with longitudinal and transverse gas flow is established. The slope efficiency of la