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下岗,在现阶段的中国社会经济生活中,已经成为颇具流行色彩的都市风景,已经成为极富有聚焦功能的公众话题。眼下,地不分东西,城不分大小,都有下岗的幽灵在游荡;无论是市井,还是官场,只要有人扯起下岗的话头,准能有人帮村上一大堆言语。 毫无疑问,与日俱增的下岗现象正在搅动着全社会的神经。一些迹象也表明,由下岗人员大量增加而凸显的严峻就业形势已经引起各方面的忧虑。 那句“钱从哪里来,人往哪里去”的不胫而走,表明这对国企改革难点的精当概括得到了高度认同。那条“人口与就业被正式列入国家宏观控制指标”信息的发布,表明在职失业掩盖就业形势,就业必须作为国家目标的观点已被完全接受。那声“中国的第三次失业高峰已经到来”的疾呼,引发的共鸣日渐震耳。那番“要像重视通胀那样,高度重视就业困境,特别是下岗职工再就业”的建言,赢得的反响不绝于耳。即使是厉以宁先生也不再三缄其口,公众场合里又弹起了“失业问题比通胀更令人担心”的老调。 甚至,当国务院年初召集会议布置国有企业兼并破产工作时,竟冠以“全国国有企业职工再就业工作会议”的名称。而央行随即召开的会议也一脉相承地标上了“全国国有企业兼并破产和职工再就业银行工作会议”的名号。 Laid-off, at the present stage of China’s social and economic life, has become a rather popular urban landscape, has become a very focused feature of the public topic. Right now, regardless of the size of the city, regardless of the size of the city, there are laid-back ghost wandering; whether it is a marketplace or officialdom, as long as someone is pulling off laid-off words, be able to help someone in the village a lot of language. There is no doubt that the growing number of laid-off workers is stirring the nerves of the whole society. Some signs also show that the grim employment situation highlighted by the large increase in laid-off workers has caused all kinds of worries. The phrase “where does money come from and where are people going?” Shows that this summary of elites for the difficult reform of state-owned enterprises has been highly recognized. The publication of the “Information on Population and Employment Being Officially Included in the National Macro-control Indicators” shows that on-the-job unemployment covers up the employment situation, and the view that employment must be the national goal has been fully accepted. That cry of “China’s third unemployment peak has arrived,” the cry, the resonance of the increasingly deafening. That “should be as inflation-oriented, attach great importance to the plight of employment, especially re-employment of laid-off workers,” the advice, won the response. Even Mr. Li Yining is no longer trying to keep silence, public sentiment springs to the tune of “more jobless unemployment than inflation.” Even when the State Department convened a meeting to arrange the annexation and bankruptcy of state-owned enterprises at the beginning of the year, it actually crowned the name of the “Work Conference on Re-employment of Workers and Staff in National Enterprises”. The meeting immediately held by the Central Bank was also marked with the same name as the “National Bank Meeting on Bankruptcy and Reemployment of State-owned Enterprises”.
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