
来源 :湖南中学物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shidai19860115
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新课程标准提出,教师有意识地把学生生活中熟悉的一些物品带进课堂进行相应的演示实验和学生分组探究实验,拉近物理学习与生活之间的距离,增进物理学习与社会实践之间的联系。一、教师要更新教育观念,切实贯彻新课程标准,二、抓住实验要点,掌握知识规律,突出学生实验创新能力培养。三、不断改进旧的常规实验,克服学生的思维定势有针对性指导学生在探究过程中培养创新。 The new curriculum standard proposes that teachers consciously bring some familiar objects in the student's life into the classroom to carry out corresponding demonstration experiments and student grouping inquiring experiments to narrow the distance between the physical learning and the life and enhance the relationship between the physical learning and social practice contact. First, teachers should update their educational concepts and effectively implement the new curriculum standards. Second, they should grasp the key points of the experiment, master the law of knowledge, and highlight the cultivation of students' experimental innovation ability. Third, continuous improvement of the old routine experiment, to overcome the students' thinking is targeted to guide students in the process of exploration to foster innovation.
意大利航海家哥伦布在1492年奉西班牙统治者的命令,带着致中国皇帝的国书,率领3艘轮船和87名水手横渡了大西洋之后,又于1493、1498和1502年,先后3次率船队西航。其中有一 Af
有些植物在传种的过程中,不是静悄悄的,而是很壮观,竟伴随着“隆隆”的“枪炮声”。说来你可能还不信哩!植物“地雷”:在南美洲热带森林的草丛中, Some plants in the proce
新来个同桌叫“马赟”。我不认识马后面的这个字,又不好意思问他。直到第三堂信息课的时候,我学会了一招,才弄清了它的 New to the same table called “Ma Yun.” I do not
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