Propagation property of electromagnetic waves in fractal cantor photonic crystals

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lb_super
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Two novel structures of fractal Cantor multilayer with defects are presented. The Optical transmission matrix method is used to calculate the transmittance and the reflectance. Compared with the general Cantor multilayer, these novel structures have wider stopbands and show super narrow bands in the middle of the wider stopbands, which can be used as super narrow bandpass filters. The pass band can be less than 0.6 nm near the infrared wavelength of 1530 nm when there is an embedded defect in the cantor multilayer. The optical transmission in the central wavelength is higher than 99 %, which means a very low insert loss. If there are three layers, three super narrow peaks can be found in the middle of the stopband. The central wavelengths are respectively 1232.4 nm, 1372.8 nm and 1538.3 nm. It is much better than other kinds of narrow band filters and it may be used in the optical communications. Two novel structures of fractal Cantor multilayer with defects are presented. The Optical transmission matrix method is used to calculate the transmittance and the reflectance. Compared to the general Cantor multilayer, these novel structures have wider stopbands and show super narrow bands in the middle of the The wider of the stopbands, which can be used as super narrow bandpass filters. The pass band can be less than 0.6 nm near the infrared wavelength of 1530 nm when there is an embedded defect in the cantor multilayer. The optical transmission in the central wavelength is higher than 99%, which means a very low insert loss. If there are three layers, three super narrow peaks can be found in the middle of the stopband. The national wavelengths are respectively 1232.4 nm, 1372.8 nm and 1538.3 nm. It is much better than other kinds of narrow band filters and it may be used in the optical communications.
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摘 要:兴趣是最好的老师。如何调动学生数学学习的兴趣?这就需要教师巧思妙导,从传统的知识传授者转向学生发展的调控者和指导者,借助现代化的教学手段,将抽象枯燥的内容形象化,创造新颖、宽松、活跃的气氛,引导学生自主参与,经历知识形成的过程,体验到学习数学的乐趣。  关键词:创设情境;激发兴趣;操作感悟;思维拓展  中图分类号:G62 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9132(2017)24-008