
来源 :化工矿山技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:li132zhihua
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光面爆破是当前进行井巷掘进的一项新技术。我们曾根据现场的需要,在某地下工程的两个断面较大的巷道中进行了深眼光面爆破试验,爆破效果良好。基本达到预想目的,初步取得了在节理裂隙十分发育而岩块强度又相当坚固的花岗岩风化带中进行深眼光面爆破的基本参数。根据地质勘察,整个工程的巷道都位于燕山期侵入的花岗岩(又称白岗岩)中。岩体外露,地表风化严重,岩石比较破碎,裂隙发育,节理面平整光滑,但深部未风化,岩石坚硬。试验所在巷道的围岩则为后期侵入的花岗斑岩岩脉,呈紫红色斑状结构,斑晶为石英及钾长石,基质为微晶,以酸性斜长石为主,节理裂隙十分发育,共有不同方向的五组以上原生裂隙,纵横交错,把岩体分割成大小不同的 Smooth blasting is currently a new technology for tunneling. According to the needs of the site, we carried out deep-hole smooth blasting tests on two large roadways of an underground project with good blasting effect. Basically reached the desired goal, obtained initially in the granite weathering belt is very developed and the rock strength is very strong granite deep blasting of the basic parameters. According to the geological survey, the tunnel of the whole project is located in granite (also known as Baiganyan) invaded by Yanshan Period. The rock mass is exposed with serious weathering on the surface. The rock is relatively broken, the fracture develops, and the joint surface is smooth and smooth. However, the deep is not weathered and the rock is hard. The surrounding rock of the tunnel where the experiment is located is the later intrusive granite porphyry dikes with purple-red patchy structure. The phenocrysts are quartz and potash feldspar, the matrix is ​​microcrystalline, mainly acidic plagioclase, and the joint fissures develop well , There are a total of more than five groups of primary fractures in different directions, criss-crossing to divide the rock mass into different sizes
农四师68团4连83岁的退休职工曹玉梅为了表达对党的热爱,专门制作了89幅剪纸。图为她的剪纸作品在该团机关展出。 Four groups of farmers 68 68 regiment Even the 83-year
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